Home Post 1233-chapter-124-1



I called out to him, but there was no response. He seemed to have lost consciousness. Blood soaked through my hands as I cradled his head.

– The other places are fine but his head took quite the hit!

Somnia said in a frantic tone. As I checked Theodore’s pulse and breathing, I was greatly relieved to find he was still alive.

‘We need to transport him to Arendelle Castle immediately.’

I quickly ordered the knights to bring a stretcher. The leader monster that had been frozen was shattered into pieces, scattering like shards of clear glass.

‘Fortunately, the bleeding isn’t severe.’

I tore some fabric to bandage the wound, which quickly stopped the bleeding. The problem was internal injuries. We have an excellent doctor at Arendelle Castle, so he needed to be seen by one without delay.

“Handle him carefully. Try not to shake him too much.”

“Yes, Master.”

While the knights carried Theodore to the carriage, I spoke with the captain of the Valentino’s family knights.

“Is the Master alright? He seems to be unconscious…”

“He’s still breathing and has a pulse, so don’t worry. The Valentino knights can come with us to Arendelle Castle.”

“….Very well, we will do that.”

I could feel the anxiety in the captain’s voice and gaze, and it was clear that all the Valentino knights were concerned for Theodore.

‘It’s concerning how often he injures his head…’

I sighed deeply, gathered my thoughts and climbed into the carriage. Theodore was laid out across from me, perfectly still.

I sat down on a makeshift chair and sat down to watch over him. His complexion was pale, but his breathing was steady, which gave me a strange sense of relief.

As the carriage began to move, I made sure to stabilize him to prevent any further shaking.

‘….You really do injure your head quite often.’

You had certainly led a tumultuous life, having endured the loss of close family not once, but twice, and always walking a treacherous path.

And still, you carry the heavy burden of duty on your shoulders and always standing on the front lines.

‘…Why didn’t I realize this before?’

That there are separations in life beyond human control. And due to the rifts, we could face such separations at any moment…

I placed my hand on Theodore’s pale cheek. It was still chilly in April, and his body felt slightly cold from being outside for so long.

“…I’m relieved you’re alive, Theodore.”

I truly mean that.

Recalling that moment in the cave five years ago, when death nearly took your breath away…

It makes me feel breathless all over again.

“I never want to feel….that way again.”

So please, don’t get hurt anymore. I know it’s a futile wish, but I hope situations like today….never happen again.

I held his hand and hoped. It was a prayer with nowhere to go.

* * *

Theodore woke up about eight hours later.

The first word he uttered upon opening his eyes was ‘Lily’, my name. The next thing he said after seeing my face was, ‘Are you alright?’

The emotion I felt at that moment….was indescribable.

Eight hours earlier, I had informed Valentino Castle that he was at Arendelle Castle, and I promptly received a reply from his aide, Calvin.

The message stated that he could handle urgent matters on Theodore’s behalf and requested that I ensure Theodore’s well-being.

“…And this is a letter for you.”

I handed another letter from Calvin to Theodore. It had arrived immediately after I sent word to Valentino Castle that he had regained consciousness.

Theodore, possibly still foggy from the head injury, read the letter quietly and then asked for paper and a pen.

After writing a quick note, he handed it to me with a polite request.

“Please deliver this letter to Calvin. Thank you.”

“Of course. Is there anything else you need?”

Theodore seemed to ponder my question for a moment before hesitantly glancing at me and asking.

“I don’t really need anything, but… if it’s alright with you… could you stay with me for just 10 minutes, or even 5 minutes?”

“……I was planning to stay by your side anyway. I’ll take care of you personally.”

