Home Post 1261-chapter-92


“What… What does that…”

Hearing about the curse, Adeline froze and looked at Kael.

“My curse never goes away, and it eats at me without end. The moment I love you completely, the moment I pretend to be crazy and hug you, my curse will hurt you.”

Adeline wasn’t the only one falling apart.
Kael was also crumbling. Anger towards the curse, disgust for a life that could only be stained by pain, and sadness about being unable to fully love the woman he loved all came together and overwhelmed Kael.

“You had nothing to do with black magic, but you’ve been a target ever since you married me. You’re constantly hurting, suffering, collapsing, and crying.”
“Kael. That’s…”
“The person who doesn’t have to be in pain is in pain because of me, and suffers because of me. The closer you get to me, the more it will happen.”

Kael spoke firmly.

“No, Kael. We already talked last time. The culprit who attacked my parents must have brainwashed me. And he kept targeting me and trying to get rid of me. It started a long time ago. It has nothing to do with you.”
“Nothing has been revealed yet, right? We’re still only guessing. And even if it started a long time ago, what if my curse is affecting you? What if something you can just disregard as a minor wound ends up endangering your life?”
“Kael! That…!”
“I’m afraid of my curse, Adeline. If I go through that time when my body breaks down, I will tremble in fear that this pain will be transferred to you.”

Adeline tried to deny it, but Kael knew all too well the power of his curse.

“I was in an illusion for a moment. I like you so much that for the first time in my life, the blizzard stopped, and the warm sun poured out, and I kept pretending not to know because I was drunk on that warmth.”
“I thought this was fine. I thought that because I didn’t fully acknowledge it, I just had to keep my distance like this. I thought I could press down my feelings of love, so I could hide it like that.”
“But I can’t, Adeline. As Heaven notices, you notice, and everyone notices, I don’t know how to hide my love, so I can’t keep you by my side like this.”

Kael’s words about not being able to hide his love broke Adeline’s heart. Tears kept flowing without stopping.

“If you stay with me, you will die. I can’t bear to see you die because of me. I don’t want that to happen.”

Kael had a hunch that the moment he had delayed again and again had come.

“As promised, we will remain married until the door of Repositio opens. I want you to get your time back more than anyone else.”
“Just until then. And stop there. You, and me.”

He couldn’t stay by her side anymore. Kael’s feelings had become so great that the black claws of the curse now seemed to be clawing at Adeline, so he really had to let her go.

“Let’s stop, both of us. Just like the marriage contract.”
“While laughing at myself for keeping the promise to let you go when you truly love me, and for reassuring you that I would never love you.”
“Keep it, Adeline.”

The sad request, which she had hoped would never be said, that he would never mention it even if what she was hoping for was a miracle, came out of his mouth.
Kael left the office, and Adeline fell to the floor in the room alone and cried like a child.
It was an awfully sad day.


“It seems like Her Grace didn’t sleep at all.”
“Again? That’s a big problem. She hasn’t been sleeping properly for almost five days now…”
“When is His Grace coming back?”
“Perhaps tomorrow.”

Kael ran to the northern wall that very day, and Adeline spent her days alone in the castle.
It had been five days since Kael had left, and Adeline had been in very poor condition for almost a week.
She tried to keep a bright expression and pretend that it was nothing, trying to maintain her tranquility, but everyone could see it.
In particular, it was clear that her energy disappeared because she couldn’t sleep.

“The situation seems too serious, Isabel.”
“What kind of couple doesn’t fight? Of course, this kind of situation is awkward because they have such a good relationship. Couple fights usually go away quickly.”
“I know. I do know, but it’s because this situation is unusual.”

Unlike Isabel, who was relaxed and said it would be fine, Melissa was serious.

“His Grace hasn’t been staying in the castle at all. They have to look at each other to solve the problem. What will change if he just keeps going around outside?”

Isabel also became serious at Melissa’s words. In fact, she was just pretending that it was nothing. Isabel also thought that the atmosphere was unusual.

“What in the world is going on? They were getting along so well, but then suddenly, why… Is there something we don’t know?”
“How do we know that? It must be true that something is going on between the two.”

As Isabel and Melissa sighed deeply, Adeline opened the door and came out.

“Your Grace!”
“I want to travel around the territory a little, too.”
“I need to go out and take a look around. I couldn’t go last time because of the blizzard. But the weather is nice today, so I’m thinking of going.”

Adeline, who was much more haggard than she had been a few days ago, said that she would take a look around the territory with a calm voice.


“I think it will come in about three hours. The wind is unusual.”
“Let’s go back quickly.”

As he looked around the northern wall, the castle was right in front of Kael’s nose. Brielle, the commander of the knights under Kael, reported that a blizzard was coming.
It took about 15 minutes to reach the castle. Fortunately, he never encountered the blizzard.
After checking with the group who were following him once, he urged them again with a stony face.

After saying goodbye to Adeline, Kael returned to what he was like before.
Rather, he was even colder than when he met her.
When Kael, who had become surprisingly soft, turned into a more bitter winter than before, the Knights of Neave, as well as everyone serving Kael, became extremely nervous.

Everyone worried and talked among each other that something must have happened with Adeline, but they were all frustrated because it was impossible to guess.

“Your Grace.”
“Tell me.”
“When you go back this time, you must rest. Promise me you’ll do it for at least 24 hours. If you go out again without getting any sleep, I’ll lie down on the floor, and you will have to step over me.”

Zion, who closely followed him, shot back as if he had made a decision.
Kael, who was thinking of going out again right away, looked at Zion with cold eyes. Even those nearby trembled as they felt the coldness emanating from his eyes, but Zion was the only one who held out and did not bend his will.

“… I promise.”
“You promised. It’s unconditional. At least 24 hours.”

Kael nodded in understanding and ran towards the castle.
Both his body and mind were a mess. Adeline’s voice continued to linger in his ears, and her face as she looked at him and cried floated in his mind.
He couldn’t even escape her in his dreams. Adeline came to him every time he fell asleep. He would be enraptured by it if it was a happy fantasy, but in the dream, Adeline cried and cried all the time.
Her eyes as she looked at Kael were so full of resentment and sadness that it was painful just to look at her.

“You’re here, Your Grace.”

Vero greeted Kael as he quickly entered the castle. But the atmosphere of the castle was unusual.
Vero’s mood was strange, and many knights had come out.

“Is anything the matter? A blizzard will be coming soon, so why is everyone outside like this?
“Please forgive me, Your Grace. I was careless. I should have looked into it, but didn’t notice it.”

When asked why, Vero apologized first.
He didn’t have a good feeling. Kael asked again with a cold face.

“Tell me what you did wrong and why you’re asking for forgiveness. I asked you what was going on.”
“The Grand Duchess headed to the western province with the wife of Count Geraldo and Melissa.”
“… What?”
“But they left in the morning and haven’t returned yet.”

The sun was already setting, and dusk was surging. Kael’s face crumpled without hesitation.

“The horses are coming!”

At that moment, the scout shouted loudly and opened the gate.
But there were only two horses. Both the horses and the women had traces of coming through the blizzard, but none of the women who got off the horses was Adeline.
It was Isabel and Melissa.

“Your Grace?”
“Why is it only you two? What about Adeline?”
“Her Grace hasn’t come yet?”

His question was followed by another question. Isabel and Melissa turned pale, and Kael’s heart dropped.

“On the way back from the west, we ran into a blizzard. We promised to come back to the castle and meet here instead of wandering around if we got lost in the blizzard, so we returned in a hurry after running into it…”

Melissa’s eyes shook as she explained. Due to their delay, they firmly believed that Adeline would have already arrived at the castle.
But Adeline didn’t return.

“Your Grace!”
“No one is to follow me. If you follow me, I will slit your throat.”

Kael got back on the horse and headed out of the castle.
Soon, the blizzard arrived.
He had to find her. He could never let Adeline get caught up in that blizzard.