Home Post 1276-chapter-73


In the same way that he knew what I was going to say, he refused, building an impenetrable wall. He turned his body sideways as if avoiding me.

Ha, how did he know?

I furrowed my brow and threw off my gentle mask—just like Kairos Hadid!


I followed him, asking sharply.

“No means no.”

He changed his tone as if it were a magical mask that changed with the press of a button. D*mn it. I thought we could communicate if he used his old way of speaking.

“What do you mean?”

“If you want to get what you want, you have to give me what I want.”

“…Then, let me see if Annie, Ginger, and Edmond are safe. You haven’t shown me until now.”

“I just said, if you want to get what you want, you have to do me a favor.”

My heart sank because there was no solution. I chewed my lip, feeling anxious. At the same time, Kairos’ hand touched my lips. I bit down on his finger hard, angered by the way he forced his way into my pursed lips and rubbed them so I couldn’t bite.

Regardless, Kairos didn’t waver in the slightest. He then pulled his hand away and tried to turn away, so I unconsciously reached out and grabbed his sleeve.


At the same time, Kairos’s body froze.

“I, I just want to make sure they’re safe.”

My voice cracked without me realizing it. The part I was holding was only a fingertip wide. It was so small that it would be easily knocked away if he put any force into it.

I was that anxious.

Kairos looked down at my fingertip for a long time, but he didn’t try to shake it off. He wasn’t going to break my finger, was he?

Although I was about to let go quietly, he was faster.

“…Just check.”

At his words, my mouth opened reflexively. “Really?”

“Then, don’t bring up the divorce for three days.”


“You can do that much.”

At those words, he slowly pulled my hand away and walked towards his study before I could even answer.

It was absurd, really!


* * *



As soon as the door opened, I couldn’t wait and slipped inside to find Annie first. Fortunately, I saw Annie sitting quietly in the room.

“Hazel? How did you get here?”

“I came to check if you’re okay. Are you okay?”

She smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

“Even to Hazel, this place doesn’t look like heaven or hell, does it?”

“If only we had gone earlier, we would have run away safely.”

I was about to throw a party to celebrate our escape, though who knew it would be the day we were captured as prisoners?

“It can’t be helped. Don’t make that face, it’s not your fault. The treatment is really good, better than I expected. Maybe it’s because they’re your friends, they even took care of our meals.”

Annie smiled, whether she meant it or not.

“Ha… I really thought I had succeeded.”

“I’m more worried about you than myself. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Annie seemed to glance at the door and whispered quickly to me.

“I haven’t mentioned anything about the moving yet. Just forget about it for now, Hazel. It’s more dangerous.”

And she backed away. It didn’t even take two seconds. I nodded briefly, just enough for Annie to notice.

“If you stay here too long, you might be in real danger.”

She turned me around and pushed me towards the door.

“Do you need anything?”

“Not really. If you’re really worried, have a maid bring me some books. I guess I’ll have to stay here for a while.”

Annie added quietly.

“Let’s just observe the atmosphere for now.”

“Al, alright. Okay, what genre do you like? Mystery or something like that.”

“Something naughty?”

“…I’ll see what I can find.”

After leaving the room, I checked on Edmond and Ginger as well. They seemed fine, unlike my worries, but they were still prisoners because of me.

As Annie said, I should observe the situation for a while first. It seemed that being submissive would be more effective than just getting angry. I guessed I needed to dig a little deeper into this side. Otherwise, I would be a ghost trapped in this mansion for the rest of my life.


* * *


Even though I protested, I had to eat three meals a day. And the day of madness continued, falling asleep in the study at night and waking up in the bedroom in the morning.

I had clearly stated that I would sleep separately. To my words that I would never sleep with him, Kairos said that he was keeping a promise we made before marriage. He said it was something a husband had to keep, of all things.

Did he forget the promise that he wouldn’t bother me while I was working in the study?

Despite the fact that I wasn’t working, I still wanted to tear off the face of my newlywed husband, who had said, “Let’s sleep together no matter what, even if we’re not working,” during our honeymoon.

Why did he remember that so vividly?

That was what I promised Noah, and he wouldn’t listen even though I said he wasn’t him. Still, I couldn’t sleep without him. I was just waiting for my chance.

Fortunately, I was able to deliver the book Annie had asked me to give her, but after the visit, I didn’t know where the three of them were now. They must have been moved to another location to prevent me from getting them out—to a place only Kairos knows.

It was annoying.

I had agreed not to bring up the divorce for three days, so as soon as the fourth day arrived, I started again. He exuded a dangerous aura whenever the word ‘divorce’ came up, and the house would freeze every time. I thought it was over a hundred times.

Because of that, it took a few more days than I expected to get things going in the direction I wanted, but… like that, a week.

How on earth was I supposed to overcome this obstacle?

The servants were also trembling as if they were terrified of the fight.

Then, the weekend came.

When I woke up in the morning, I felt nice, and I had a premonition. I thought something good would happen today.

This was it. I couldn’t miss this chance.

I waited for the perfect timing, then pulled up my lips and let out the purest smile I could muster. My mouth was stiff and trembling, but I went to him with the brightest smile I could manage. It seemed that my premonition was working, as his expression didn’t look too bad either.

“Hey, Noah, about what I said last time…”

The moment his mouth opened, I knew my premonition was a dud.

“I just hope that the next words to come out of my beautiful wife’s mouth aren’t about divorce. I don’t want to make you live only on the bed.”

He cut me off, his jaw clenched as if I was ridiculous. He even laughed as if it was funny.

I quietly closed my mouth at the sight of my scary husband’s eye smile, which seemed to be spewing out lasers. It was a look that would kill without anyone knowing.

…Even though I was protesting, I couldn’t help but shrink back because he was scary.

He got up from his seat. I unconsciously stepped back.

“Hazel, don’t say that. Why don’t we eat the cream puffs I made earlier? You like them, don’t you?”

When did he throw away his mask? He was wearing Noah’s mask again and talking annoyingly. I glared at Kairos again.

He was going to threaten to cut the servants’ necks again if I wouldn’t eat!

‘Ugh, fine. I’ll eat first and then do it.’

“…Ha, I’ll only have one bite.”

“That’s right. Good.”

I was so mad.

I clenched my fists and trembled with anger. I couldn’t even eat this.

‘Ah, I can’t do this. I have to try again tomorrow!’

That night, I chose my bedroom instead of my office. Since the door lock was useless against him, and I was tired of struggling every morning, I closed my eyes and clung to the edge of the bed.

Although I didn’t know how much time passed, I woke up from a light sleep when I felt someone moving me. I opened my eyes to meet his gaze as he placed me closer to the center of the bed and tucked me in.

As soon as I realized it, I turned away, closing my eyes and pretending to sleep.

I shifted my body, moving back towards the edge.

“Soul Guild.”

His low voice made me flinch involuntarily.


“I’ve been managing it properly every day without fail. The employees are still there, so you can go and check it out whenever you feel comfortable. You can even work there if you want.”

“…That’s not my guild anymore. I told you it’s the money I’m paying back.”

I responded with my eyes closed.

“Don’t say things you don’t mean. I’m not shameless enough to take something my wife built with her heart and soul.”

My heart almost wavered for a moment, yet I quickly pulled myself together, reminding myself not to be fooled.

After a long silence, when I didn’t respond, the bed behind me creaked heavily. I felt as if he was staring at me, even though I didn’t have eyes in the back of my head. His hot gaze, poking at my back, continued unabated until I drifted off to sleep.