Home Post 1320-chapter-163


Life as a Fourteen-Year-Old

Time flew by quickly. So much so that she sometimes regretted that this happy time was moving forward like magic.

[Siervian Erveldotte (14 years old)]
Body and soul synchronization… 72%.
Current actions are in line with the body

Siervian had become a full-fledged young woman and now smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Her height had grown considerably, and her girlishly youthful face had risen halfway up the mirror.

“You seem to be in a good mood today, princess.”


Ellie had aged a little yet was still by her side.

After the party for her fourteenth birthday, the daily life of the princess’ palace continued the same as usual.

“Shall we go on a magic circle patrol with Mage Karmen today?”


“Then I’ll prepare some clothes that are easy to move in.”

As Siervian nodded, Ellie approached the wardrobe. Her hands were busy rummaging through the richly filled wardrobe.

Then, Ellie suddenly became serious and looked at a dress on one side.

‘I know what you’re thinking.’

Her eyes fixed on the dress Siervian had worn to her birthday party.

The way she fiddled with the sky-blue dress looked serious, as if something had happened.


“Yes, Princess.”

Even without checking the status window, Siervian could easily guess what Ellie was thinking.

“Are you still sad that the video of this birthday party is not enough?”

“Really, it was so lacking.”

Ellie sighed lightly as if she was disappointed.

It seemed that she thought the twenty-something videos she had filmed were still not enough.

“That’s enough. I told you I’d select the ones to put in the treasure trove.”

“Yes. But I couldn’t capture the princess gracefully moving the water stream of the fountain.”

The fact that she was able to skip over this without looking at the status window was one of the big changes that had happened to Siervian.

[There’s a new alarm!]

After she found her father’s letter from her previous life in the status window, a message like this popped up.

Since then, it had become possible to control the status window, which started popping up like crazy.

“I’ll do it again later.”

To be precise, the status window did not appear if Siervian did not misunderstand and understood the other person’s feelings.

Of course, it was still convenient because the status window would work automatically when there was special information she needed to know.

“Isn’t it impossible for anyone to interfere with forgotten magic like that? You’re really amazing, Princess.”

“It’s not that amazing, it just happened. You too, Ellie.”

Thanks to this, Siervian was able to have a much more relieved mind.

This was because the problem of constantly seeing the inner thoughts of her loved ones had been solved.

Especially when she misunderstood them, the status window would pop up again as if it were a sign.

“Are you uncomfortable anywhere?”

It was still not clear what kind of magic the ancient pendant that Karmen had brought had worked.

However, she could feel her father’s heart, who only wanted her to never be misunderstood again.

“Yes! Thank you again today.”

As she rose from her chair, Siervian gently hugged EIlie.

And before going out, she checked herself in the mirror once more.

As Siervian sent her will, her father’s letter hidden in her status window appeared.

[To Siervian]

The letter did not disappear. It seemed that her father from her previous life loved her very much and continued to stay by her side.

Making a promise to be a little happier every day, Siervian re-read her father’s letter.

[To a place where you can grumble as much as you want like a child.]

Especially after some time had passed, Siervian could clearly realize it.

The meaning of the synchronization that controlled her body according to her age.

‘He didn’t want me to become a mature child.’

It was so that Siervian could fully enjoy her childhood again.

[To a place where you can be compensated for all the time you have lost.]

After understanding that, Siervian naturally adapted to the synchronization that controlled her body.

When she was angry, she was angry, and when she wanted to cry, she cried.

“Have a good day, Princess.”

It was still like that even though she was now a fourteen-year-old.

“I’ll be back!”

However, Siervian had not realized what kind of repercussions this promise would bring.

* * *



Karmen had grown taller than her by a head and now looked back.

The mage’s robe, which seemed generously sized, now fit his body perfectly.

“When did you get here?”

Karmen’s youthful face had become more and more manly. His fine platinum hair fluttered in the slight breeze.

Siervian had been thinking more and more lately that Karmen’s silver eyes resembled a snowfield.

“Not long ago.”

He still had the same cold expression as the previous life’s Karmen, who had made many young girls suffer from heartache.

However, Siervian looked closely at the slightly reddened tip of his nose, which did not match his cold appearance.

She doubted his claim that he had just arrived.

‘Hmm, I think he arrived a long time ago.’

As expected, the status window did not appear. It was clear that he had been waiting for a while in front of the princess’ palace.

As their eyes met for a long time, he was the first to avert his gaze.

He had become more and more sharp-featured as he grew up, and he looked rather gruff on the outside.

“You’ve gotten really quiet lately, Karmen.”

At first, she was almost disappointed by the way he seemed to strangely distance himself from her.

But she soon realized it was her mistake.

[Karmen Kasselov]
Thoughts: …She’s pretty even without a dress. Geez, it’s a big deal that she’s getting prettier and prettier.


Siervian had become good at guessing the intentions of those around her. However, the frequency with which Karmen’s status window popped up had not decreased much.

‘Because Karmen often has these awkward thoughts.’

It was even harder to predict because it was in such stark contrast to his cold impression.

Anyway, grateful that he had come to meet her, Siervian smiled broadly and quickly drew close to Karmen’s side. He turned his head away again, but in the meantime, he did not forget to politely extend his hand to escort.

“Are you cold?”

Siervian suppressed a laugh at the sight of Karmen, who looked like a well-trained aristocratic young man.

‘I’m sure the teacher told him to do that, right?’

According to the status window she had seen briefly before, it seemed that he had been told to stop being so blunt. Perhaps it was because of the teacher’s urging in her previous life that he had become so cold.

‘I guess he wants to look good to the young ladies.’

Siervian thought absentmindedly as he took her hand. The hand she held was very warm.

In response to her question, Karmen glanced at her again and replied bluntly.

“It’s inside the magic circle, so I’m not cold.”

Of course, the magic circle regulates the climate extensively.

However, it was true that during the season of storms, the chill could seep into your body if you were outside for too long, and it was not for nothing that it was called the season of storms.

“You don’t have to come pick me up like this every day.”

Siervian was puzzled by Karmen, who would always come all the way to the front of the princess’ palace even though the magic circle he had to manage today was not far away.

“It’s just on my way.”

A stiff voice came out, but Siervian thought differently.

‘I think he just came because he wanted to be with me….’

As expected, the status window did not appear. As if to confirm that she was right.

“Yes. Let’s go quickly.”

Instead of pointing it out, Siervian smiled broadly again and took the lead.

‘Today, it was the magic circle in the center of the Imperial Palace.’

After it was revealed that Harmin tea was no different from poison, the Empire was turned upside down.

‘It’s a bit more stable now, but there was really so much to do.’

Before making the truth public, her father had checked and rechecked several times. He had also carefully examined all the evidence found in the Pacour Duchy.

The results were the same. The people of the Empire had been drinking Harmin tea, which was no different from poison, for a long time.

“Greetings, Your Highness. Sir Karmen is here as well.”

The mages were already there when they arrived at the seal of the climate magic circle in the center of the Imperial Palace.

Many things had changed since Harmin could no longer be trusted. The first thing that came under suspicion was, of course, this climate magic circle.

In the first place, Harmin was needed because this magic circle disturbed people’s mana.

“Are you ready?”

Siervian had arrived for a special task and now asked.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

The high-ranking mage who commanded the mages here bowed his head to Siervian with respect.

Receiving their greetings leisurely, Siervian entered the small building that was built as if it were embracing the magic circle.

‘Phew… I get nervous every time I come here.’

All the cities of the Empire are protected by climate magic circles.

And the central magic circle located in this Imperial Palace was what controlled all of those magic circles.

Until now, the central magic circle and the centers of each climate magic circle had been thoroughly sealed.

It was a measure to prevent anyone from analyzing or modifying the magic formulas there.

“Don’t worry.”

Karmen, who was close by, whispered.

“Yes. Karmen’s here, too.”


He turned his head again without a word as soon as she answered.

She checked his complexion, wondering if Karmen was nervous too.

[Karmen Kasselov]
Thoughts: Damn it, my heart is beating too fast. I should make a magic potion.

‘It seems he’s nervous, but why did the status window pop up?’

Siervian tilted her head at the unexpected situation.

[Karmen Kasselov]
Favorability: +100

She was even more puzzled when the favorability window suddenly appeared, but she soon forgot about it. It was because the high-ranking mage bowed his head to Siervian again and asked.

“Your Highness. Shall we prepare the formation?”


Siervian nodded slowly, putting her doubts aside.

In order to analyze the exact function of the climate magic circle, the seal on this central part had to be broken.

To this end, all the mages, including her father, had rushed to the scene, but the seal was extremely strong. The first emperor had personally sealed all the magic circles while traveling throughout the former empire.

However, her father found a clue in an unexpected place.

‘I never thought the condition for breaking the seal would be similar to the Imperial Palace treasury.’