Home Post 1366-chapter-127-2


Could it be that she came out to the corridor to catch him?

…No, don’t get your hopes up.

Theodore brutally suppressed the flicker of hope that had started to grow within him.

Then, he noticed a group moving stealthily in the darkness. It was Benjamin Dyson and his cronies, apparently planning to regroup rather than launching an immediate attack on Lily.

Meanwhile, Lily was walking towards the Arendelle family carriage. Was she planning to leave the palace without returning to the banquet?

Theodore quietly observed her getting into the carriage, then he started to follow Dyson’s gang.


After eavesdropping on their conversation, Theodore returned to Valentino castle.

Those despicable men were planning their next move in five days. They aimed for the time when Lily routinely inspected her territories.

‘Investigate Benjamin Dyson, along with William Duncan and Kyle Thornton. Don’t miss anything, I want detailed reports.’

That night, Theodore assigned Carmen to investigate Dyson’s gang before going to bed.

Of course, he could not sleep easily

His insomnia had worsened over time, making it difficult for him to sleep more than a couple of hours each night.

Occasionally, he took sleeping pills, but they caused severe headaches as a side effect.

His doctor had told him the insomnia was psychological. Without addressing the root cause, no treatment would be effective.

‘What the cause is…’

He knew all too well.

It was all due to an extreme longing and sense of loss.

The only ways to resolve the emotions tormenting him were only two options.

Either to completely let go of his yearning, loss, and tenderness, or to meet the only person who could alleviate those feelings.


However, Theodore was not going to choose either option. He simply waited.

Day by day.

Living in endless yearning.

Hoping that one day, she would come back to him.


As another sleepless night passed, morning arrived. Theodore received urgent news of a rift in the Brienne territory.

As always, he led the reinforcements towards the vicinity of Brienne. He was prepared for any emergency and always monitored the situation in Brienne territory.

A knight returned from scouting and reported that the rift was unusually large. So Theodore made a swift decision.

He will provide direct support.

Thus, for the first time in five years, he saw Lily up close, hearing her long-missed voice.

It was exhilarating.

Enough to make him forget the fatigue caused by his insomnia.



Breaking off his recollection, Theodore stared intently at the coin in his hand.

His head still throbbed slightly, a nagging reminder of his recent injury. Wincing slightly, he pressed at his temple with his free hand.

The injury was purely bad luck. He had been careless, not expecting the tail of a dead monster to move on its own.

But… It was okay. It was him who was hurt, not Lily.

For her sake, he could endure more pain.

Even if it meant being shattered.

He knew such intense emotions and obsession might appear as madness to others.

His adviser and close friend Calvin always worried about this very thing.

But this feeling was something beyond human control.

Reason couldn’t govern everything. Theodore had learned this the hard way. His feelings, far from fading over five years, had only grown deeper.


After hesitating for a moment, he walked to the window to look at the dawn sky. Then, like a habit, he tossed the coin to read his fortune.

It landed on heads.

Looking at the coin faintly glowing in the dim light, Theodore laughed helplessly.

* * *

Three days later.

Theodore, who had largely recovered, was preparing to leave for Valentino Castle. He was checking on his horse before leaving. Suddenly, he sensed Lily’s presence and turned around.

She was dressed in casual attire, with her hair neatly pinned up. Her neckline revealed a neckline as smooth and lustrous as a pearl.

Finding nowhere else to fix his gaze, Theodore lowered his head as Lily approached him.

She just looked at him in silence.

Her quiet gaze left Theodore breathless.

After a moment, Lily softly broke the silence.

“….I’ll send you a letter, Theodore.”


Theodore was so surprised, he missed his chance to respond. As he fumbled for words, Lily walked past him with a faint smile.

Theodore’s emotions were indescribable as he watched her gracefully greet the knights, like a lord.

Unconsciously, he placed his hand over his heart. He felt his heart beat wildly. To the point he felt it was almost too fast he might end up dying.

Suddenly, Lily turned to look at him again.

With a gentle smile set against the backdrop of fluttering, delicate petals.

It was a radiant spring scene.

