Home Post 1425-chapter-129-1


In accordance with her final wishes, Lady Naillo’s funeral was a modest affair.

Despite its small scale, a long procession of mourners began arriving early in the morning, paying their respects to a much-admired noblewoman. Many grieved her passing, expressing their sorrow and condolences.

I attended the funeral, placed flowers, and offered prayers for her. She had lived a selfless and righteous life, so I was sure she had gone to a good place.

I prayed that she was now reunited with her beloved husband and enjoying eternal happiness… I also wished for her family to live peaceful and hardship-free lives, as she had hoped.

Returning to Arendelle Castle after the funeral, I resumed my usual duties. However, today, work seemed more difficult to focus on. Perhaps Lady Naillo’s absence was more impactful than I had anticipated. Or maybe, her passing had triggered deeper reflections.

‘Everyone dies eventually. I, too, will die someday.’

What will my end look like? Will I leave this world having lived a life without regrets?

Lady Naillo’s parting words to me came to mind.

‘In my experience…life isn’t about grand achievements. It’s about having loved ones by your side and finding happiness for as long as you live. Don’t be lonely, and be happy for a long, long time. Promise me that.’

I also remembered the conversation with my aide at the funeral.

‘Mother always thought that Viscount seemed lonely. Even though you have many good people around you, she felt there was a certain sadness in your eyes.’

For the past five years, I had never thought of myself as lonely.

But that was just my ‘thought.’ Perhaps the actual feelings I had been experiencing were different.

People often struggle to accurately name their own emotions.

‘Was I lonely?’

Even if many people are around me, if there is an absence of a specific someone…

Whenever I see that vacant spot, I can’t help but feel a sense of emptiness.

Could that have been the type of loneliness I was feeling?

‘But this feeling… it’s not overwhelming.’

Long past are the days when I was tossed around by emotions, struggling over relationships I couldn’t let go of.

Now, even if I felt lonely, I was at peace. Therefore, filling the space that had been empty for the past five years wasn’t strictly necessary.

…But not everything in this world is decided by necessity.

There are countless seemingly useless things in this world.

Ephemeral beauty, fleeting excitement, love, tears—none of these are essential for survival.

Yet, they exist.

At the same time, they are things that people find hard to let go of.

I was the same.


I got up from my desk chair, stepped out onto the balcony and looked out at the setting sun.

As the evening breeze brushed against me, I thought about my own beautiful, yet seemingly useless love.

I can live well enough without loving anyone or having someone I love by my side.

It might feel somewhat empty.

Sometimes, I might even feel sad.

But regardless, I wouldn’t die from the absence of love.

Yes, but…

‘If I can fill that emptiness, why should I leave it unfilled?’

If that space were to be filled…

I might become happier than I am now.

Moreover, when the time comes for me to leave this world, or when I have to say goodbye to someone I love.

I might be able to leave without regrets.

So, the question is simple.

Filling the emptiness or leaving it unfilled—between these two, which will leave me with regrets in my life?


The answer was… all too clear.

There was no need to think for long.


Three days later, late in the evening.

After finishing all my tasks for the day, I took out the peridot necklace from my jewelry box.

The first time I wore this necklace, I was… struggling, denying the unfamiliar feelings.

And I was utterly unhappy.

It was astonishing how much my life had changed since then.

‘…And now I understand.’

That you genuinely wished for me to live this peaceful life.

Someone like you, who can truly wish for another’s happiness…

I no longer hate you, and I’m ready to forgive you.

I have become someone who can do that now.

After placing the peridot necklace in its box, I wrote a brief letter.

Then, I sent the letter and the box to Valentino Castle.

We had made a promise before, didn’t we? That one day, when I can fully accept you, I would send you this peridot necklace.

* * *</center<

"Viscount! You, you have a visitor."


It had only been about two hours since I sent the letter to Theodore.

I was sitting in an armchair reading a book I had picked from the library when I received unexpected news.

'A visitor at this hour…?'

9 PM was hardly a suitable time for a guest to knock on the castle door unless it was something very serious or urgent.

I draped a shawl over my shoulders, stood up, and walked to the door.

"Who is it? What is their purpose?"


The servant hesitated a little before answering.

"Duke Valentino has arrived."

