Home Post 1507-chapter-78



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Hazel was still in her pajamas when she woke up in the morning. She looked like she had just run in, the white frilled nightgown fluttering around her, and he wanted to hold her in his arms like before, but he didn’t show it at all.

As always, he wanted to be by her side until she opened her eyes, but he deliberately left at dawn.

After what happened yesterday, she fell asleep in the bedroom. With her lips stubbornly closed. He left first so that she wouldn’t say no when she woke up.

Yeah, honestly, he was drained all night.

But did Hazel just say yes? He felt strange being overwhelmed by her answer. Anyway, he didn’t show it either.

Instead, he got up from his seat and wrapped the thin coat that was hanging over the chair around Hazel. It was getting colder every morning as autumn deepened, and he didn’t even know that it was hot because of Hazel’s escape.

He was sure she wouldn’t feel cold inside the mansion, but it was quite a pain when she caught a cold sometimes.

“Are you saying you’ll give me a chance?”

“Yes. One year, as you said, one year, but I have a condition as well.”

“Your condition is that you want to leave me after a year.”


“…Okay, what is it?”

“Release three of them. And even after a year, if I say I still don’t trust you, don’t ask anything and let me go. That’s all.”

Hazel’s eyes were somehow filled with conviction. She still didn’t believe his heart, his confession. Even if it was real, she seemed to be convinced that it would soon run out and wouldn’t last a year. So, he felt like she was just trying to see where he stood.

It was unfair to him, but he couldn’t help it. He had to give Hazel some faith.

“Then, promise me that you’ll be like before.”

“I can’t be like before.”

“…Then, don’t avoid me. Do you hate that too? I have to have a way to tell you my heart. Right?”

He gently slipped his hand into her fingertips, trying to open her heart a little more. He gently scratched Hazel’s fingers with his fingertips as if asking for her consent. He bent down, his fingers intertwining, and looked at Hazel with a pleading face.

After a long time, Hazel pushed him away weakly and answered. Annoyingly, her head was slightly turned away.

“Okay, I’ll do my duty as a duchess.”

He thought her expression would crumble again, but she didn’t look like she was prepared. The answer was harsh, but it meant that she would give him a chance in the end.

Anyway, he bought himself a year with this.

“To your liking. Right?”

He, who had never missed an opportunity, wouldn’t waste a year of his time. He would seduce Hazel, splitting his time to make up for yesterday’s aftermath.

He carefully wiped her eyes, which were still red and swollen. Her eyes, still red like a sunset, could be seen through her thick, coldly lowered eyelashes. He whispered in her ear that he would try to make her like him, that he wanted her to know his love for her, and that he could kiss her if she wanted.

Kairos’ hand gently touched Hazel’s chin.

Her strong, fierce eyes flinched, and she panicked. Seeing her like that made him thirsty. He quickly observed the hesitation on her face and slowly lowered his head to meet her lips. He didn’t want to miss a single thing, so he kept his eyes on her intently.

Even the brief kiss made him feel like he could breathe again.

When he parted his lips, Hazel’s expression subtly cracked. Her eyes were slightly red, and she quickly turned her head away to avoid his gaze.

Kairos’ lips curled up softly.

Yes, Hazel. Even if she pushed him away like this, he still liked him. She hasn’t completely let go of him yet.

“I’m done talking, so I’m going to go. Please keep your promise.”

Hazel hurried to leave the room. Kairos put his hand in hers a little more boldly.

“Let’s have breakfast together. I made your favorite.”


This time, she didn’t pull away, perhaps thinking it was part of the deal. Even the slightest hope was like an oasis to Kairos.


* * *


One year.

Kairos made a strange proposition. It wasn’t bad, considering he promised to end things cleanly. If I let him have his way, the divorce ban would be lifted.

After a night of agonizing contemplation, I entered into a non-binding agreement with Kairos Hadid. Honestly, I had no choice. He was doing something beyond my comprehension, and I realized that if things continued as they were, the situation would spiral out of control. I needed to hit the brakes.

So, one year. I could endure that much. I could use that time to get Annie, Ginger, and Edmond out of this mess.

If I could wrap things up neatly, I could tolerate a year. Then, I would leave Elkium for good, not just Mabel. Immigration, which I had been contemplating before, became my next definite goal.

Getting caught was secondary.

I never expected him to go this far, even joining hands with the royal family. Because of the three of them getting caught, I also missed the chance to use the temple. I planned to use it after a year, if possible.

That afternoon, good news came to me, who was still filled with doubt despite making a decision in the morning. Annie, Ginger, and Edmond were released. I was relieved and went to see each of them.

I started with Annie, who was closest to the mansion.


“Hazel, what’s with the sudden change of heart?”

Annie, who had been confined to her room for about a month, looked around the hallway, bewildered.

“I guess he realized he was just wasting time.”

I smiled and pretended to be calm, but honestly, I was nervous and restless.

They told me they wouldn’t kill them, but I thought he could kill the three of them at any time if he changed his mind. The thought of the three of them dying in an instant because of me was terrifying, and my insides were burning.

I decided to send her away before he changed his mind.

“Go back quickly, Annie. You promised me, so there won’t be any more danger.”

“What about you, Hazel? Immigration…”

I glanced around before answering.

“…I postponed it for a year. It’s hard right now.”

“A year? What on earth are you doing, Hazel?”

Her voice also became smaller. Annie grabbed me as I tried to send her away quickly.

“Tell me. Is there anything I can do?”