Home Post 276-chapter-9


B*stards with nothing to do

Given the golden opportunity to freely capture the famous Olivia’s picture, the journalists didn’t hold back, continuously snapping thousands of photos.

Ugh, my eyes can’t take it anymore.”

“Take a break, Mother. It might take another hour at least.”

As the camera flashes flickered, the Queen frowned, and Noah escorted her to the banquet hall. Several steps away, he turned his head to glance at Olivia conducting the interviews. Her notably pale face caught his attention.

Whether it was due to exhaustion or if it was her natural complexion, he couldn’t tell.

Knowing how exhausting it must be to conduct interviews for hours without even having dinner, he felt sympathy for her, but more than that, a sense of contentment prevailed.

If it weren’t for her, the one sitting in that spot would have been himself.

Olivia’s interview not only pleased Noah but also satisfied the heart of Leonard II. Initially, Leonard had thought of having Olivia take some photos, considering how the pressure from the massive Palace might have been weighing her down.

Usually, individuals conducting their first interviews would often stumble or say unnecessary things, ruining the interview.

At first, this petite lady blinked her big eyes in apparent fear, but soon, she showed an attitude that suggested she had adapted to the situation. So once the journalists asked their questions for her, he wondered what was going on.

“…Herodington University, a prestigious institution in Herod, stands out among the numerous universities in Pulder. It’s safe to say that Herodinton alumni hold the reins of power and industry in Pulder. I recently had the opportunity to meet with Pulder’s First Lady, Mrs. Milaine, and she also praised the reputation of Herodington University.”

Well done.

Very well done!

How could she pick only the words that pleased him so much and just the right words? Leonard’s mouth had almost split open before he managed to control himself.

Noah, that boy, had a stiff expression, making the atmosphere between people frosty when giving such a simple interview. How could he not be pleased when Olivia conducted the interview so satisfactorily, without a hint of such behavior?!

Tomorrow’s newspaper will be very interesting!

With the combined efforts of the excited King and the journalists, the interview continued without any sign of stopping.

In the meanwhile, Margot, who had been waiting for Olivia at the banquet hall, sighed at Leonard’s relentless behavior and went inside to the empty terrace. She didn’t forget to order that she be notified once Olivia Liberty’s interview was over.

The autumn banquet was a crucial event where the young aristocrats, dressed like peacocks, eyed each other, marking their social debut.

“Can you just get engaged to someone or suddenly fall ill and miss out on today, Prince?”

“A statement that needs to revive the long-abandoned law of insulting royalty.”

As Noah replied with a mixed tone of laughter, the young nobles around him responded with serious expressions.

“It’s because the eyes of all the ladies at the party are only fixed on the two princes, which is quite irritating.”

“In that case, please ask the Crown Prince rather than myself.”

Saying so, Noah pointed in a certain direction with the hand holding the champagne glass. Debutantes and sharp-witted individuals crowded around Crown Prince Asher, who was smiling graciously and making efforts to engage him in conversation.

In contrast, Noah’s area was relatively calm, perhaps due to the distinctive aura emanating from the prince.

With impeccably chiseled features and a delicate atmosphere, he exuded an aura that was difficult to grasp, even more so than Asher. Despite being a sight to behold, the way Noah drank champagne with his gloved hand was strangely alluring and provocative.

“Noah, it’s not that the sharp-witted and debutantes aren’t coming this way. It’s that they can’t.”

“The result is the same.”

“That may be the case for you, not for us, Your Highness. Please show some mercy.”

Noah simply handed his empty champagne glass to the waiter, ignoring the retort. Who could approach Noah with such an apathetic gaze?

“But why hasn’t Miss Liberty arrived yet?”

The young nobles’ eyes flickered at the mention of Olivia’s name, and they glanced in the direction she had disappeared. Noah also turned his gaze to them and took out his pocket watch.

It seemed like at least an hour and a half had passed.

This was evidence that the King was considerably excited, and it was understandable that he would feel disillusioned when Olivia Liberty arrived in Herod.

As Noah put his watch back into his pocket and sent a brief condolence to Olivia, a sudden exclamation burst out.

“She’s here!”

Noah reflexively turned his head.

He could see Olivia in a white blouse coming in through the arched door to the garden. Somehow, her shoulders seemed a little drooped, prompting Noah to chuckle. It seemed that she had gone through quite a lot.

As Olivia glanced around briefly and then made her way to the finger food table on one side, he recalled the fact that she hadn’t even had dinner.

The attentive butler, who was nearby, quickly handed her a glass of juice, and Olivia took a long sip, looking a bit relieved.

“Let’s go.”

When the young nobles who were chatting around him all moved, Noah turned his body towards the terrace, slipping his hand into his pocket.

“Pathetic bunch.”

While Olivia started eating a sandwich as if she were starving, the pathetic young nobles flocked towards her.

Noah furrowed his brow before he eventually called the nearby butler and instructed him.

“Inform Princess Marguerite that Olivia Liberty has returned to the hall.”


Meanwhile, Olivia, who was feeling the pangs of hunger, found that one small sandwich just wasn’t filling enough. The hall was noisy, and with the hunger overpowering her self-consciousness, she focused solely on filling her stomach with no other thoughts in mind.

Just as she was chewing and swallowing her second sandwich, she was suddenly called.

“Miss Liberty?”

Turning her head at the sudden call, Olivia found several young noble gentlemen crowding around and looking at her. Although she had spent most of her teenage years between the robust young men, it was rare for them to gather around her so blatantly all at once.

Concealing her bewilderment, she faced the group of men, recalling Margot’s advice to act as she would in Pulder. However, the problem was that these men were Herod’s nobles, and here, she was not the university student Olivia but the commoner Olivia.

The curious nobles who had been wondering about her gathered around her upon hearing the rumor that she had returned to the hall without Margot by her side.

“Miss Liberty, nice to meet you. I’m Iel Poem. You’re nineteen this year, right?”

“…I heard you’re majoring in engineering. Have you ever drawn any designs?”

“… You’d look better in a dress. Should I send you one?”

The young nobles, aware that their behavior was extremely rude, nevertheless pushed Olivia into a corner, driven by the psychology of the crowd and their sense of superiority.

In the meanwhile, Noah was watching the scene from a distance. However, Margot did not appear even when Olivia was about to disappear from his sight. He waited for his aunt, wondering why he had to stand there and watch that scene.

What did it matter?

It was not a big deal to be briefly surrounded in such a public place, and Princess Marguerite would probably show up in a few minutes, so he didn’t need to get involved. He turned away coldly at the thought, yet Noah couldn’t help but stop a few steps away.

When he turned his head, he noticed that the number of nobles surrounding Olivia had increased.

“B*stards with nothing to do, really.”

As the image of Olivia, who seemed tense just because she was in the Palace, came to mind, Noah finally turned away, uttering a curse.

One way or another, she rescued him from hell.

Knowing well how challenging the hunger that came after an interview could be, his feet moved first. They said not to approach a dog when it was eating, but why did they want to surround her like that when she was eating just because she was hungry?

Anyway, they couldn’t avoid being called prodigals.

