Home Post 283-chapter-5


The place where Rayna took Calyx was an orphanage located a little away from the Krollot Estate.

The “Green Garden Daycare Center” was surrounded by a lush forest. It was peaceful since few people were around. Rayna gazed at the weathered, rustic building with a fond look in her eyes.

‘My safe asset.’ That’s right, this orphanage was her property, and at the same time, it was her sole way out of the Krollot family. When she possessed Rayna’s body and turned 18, the count and countess proposed that she start a business as if they had been waiting.

‘A business for laundering money, no less.’ After much contemplation, Rayna chose this orphanage.

“Miss Rayna, we had no idea you would come without any notice.” A middle-aged woman rushed out to welcome Rayna in a fluster, after seeing the carriage arrive.

“Have you been well, Olivia?”

“Yes, thanks to Miss Rayna.”

Olivia had been a maid dismissed from the Krollot Estate for taking a day off to care for her sick son and had found succor in Rayna after losing her husband in an accident. Sympathetic, Rayna entrusted her with managing the orphanage. The reason for giving her the position of director instead of just an ordinary employee was her valuable talent, which Rayna didn’t want to waste.

“Are you here to check the ledger?” Olivia whispered to Rayna.

Rayna entrusted her with double-entry bookkeeping because of her proficiency in numbers, not for money laundering but to deceive the count and countess into thinking she was laundering money.

“As you expected, Miss Rayna, the sponsorships keep coming in.”

Rayna nodded silently. The count and countess initially opposed Rayna’s choice of running an orphanage as a business. They argued that a place for orphans, where you only feed and put children to sleep, wouldn’t make any money.

Rayna insisted they needed to use those orphans, pointing out that the wealth gap in the empire continued to widen and that the number of orphans had increased significantly. Furthermore, with a strange trend circulating among noblewomen and young ladies, running an orphanage could be a lucrative business.

This new trend was about using their overflowing wealth to support the less fortunate, presenting themselves as compassionate and generous individuals. Thus, sponsoring orphanages became the most popular among all. Rayna persuaded the count and countess, saying they should reap the benefits of the wealthy people generously giving away her money.

The county couple, impressed with Rayna’s persuasive skills, acquired a failing orphanage.

“I believe Olivia will handle it well. I came today with a special request.”

Olivia’s expression changed at the mention of a special request.

Maya stepped from the carriage with Calyx.

“I’d like to leave this child in your care,” said Rayna while gesturing toward Calyx.

“However, it would be best if no one else knew about the child’s presence. Is that possible?”

Olivia immediately nodded. “Please leave him with me.”

Olivia saw Rayna as her savior and was determined to do her best to help in any way she could.

“Thank you. I’ll explain to you more in detail through Maya later.”

Rayna turned to face Calyx and bent down to meet his eye level.

“What’s your name?”

Calyx hesitated for a moment before answering,


“Calyx, I’m Rayna.”

“Rayna…” Calyx softly muttered Rayna’s name, cautiously looking at his surroundings, visibly overwhelmed by the unfamiliar place and people.

Rayna decided to divert his attention briefly to ease his tension.

“Who’s that hero?” she asked.


Rayna pointed to his neck.

“The fairy tale hero hanging around your neck.”

Calyx followed Rayna’s finger, and his eyes widened.

“Wh-who, you ask?”

Calyx took the necklace out from under his clothes and held up the small figurine in his hand.

“It’s ‘Bomar,’ who fought off bandits and protected the village.”


As Rayna showed interest, Calyx’ voice began to grow louder and faster.

“Bomar was weak, and the villagers used to ignore him. But when the gang of bandits appeared and everyone else hid in fear, Bomar was the only one who didn’t hide and fought,” he explained.

Calyx preferred the ordinary Bomar over more glamorous heroes. Even though he was physically weak, he believed that anyone could be a hero, and Bomar’s courage inspired him.

“Bomar is clever. He used traps with the land and trees…”

As Calyx continued his passionate explanation, he suddenly noticed that Rayna was looking at him. He stopped talking and lowered his head deeply, averting her eyes. Calyx’ face turned gradually redder.

People around him didn’t pay attention to his story. Some found it noisy, and others who did listen didn’t find it interesting at all. Talking about something to someone who didn’t want to hear it was not only embarrassing but also very lonely. The more he talked, the more lonely he felt, knowing he was talking despite no one wanting to listen.

‘I know it and still talk like a fool.’ Filled with regret, Calyx clenched his lips tightly.

“Why did you stop? It’s intriguing,” Rayna casually commented, and Calyx slowly lifted his head.

“I can see why you like him. Bomar is a great and brave hero.”

Rayna smiled faintly. It was an unintentional smile; that’s why she didn’t understand why Calyx was surprised.

“Calyx,” Rayna called him, seeming more at ease.

“The person I’m leaving you with is reliable. She will take good care of you, so you should trust and follow her.”

“…And Rayna?”


“You won’t be here?”

Rayna nodded, and Calyx’ face instantly darkened.

“I’ll be back to see you soon,” Rayna assured him.

“. . .”

“Just wait for a few days.”

“Wait, I’ll come back, so be good.” The promises adults made to him had never been kept so far, but if he said he didn’t want her to leave, she would hate him.

Calyx nodded weakly. He watched Rayna’s back with clenched fists. Inside his hand was the candy Rayna had given him.

* * *

As anticipated, Calyx’ expectations weren’t wrong.

He sat on the bed and gazed out the window. The sky had been gray since yesterday, and today it was pouring rain.

The sound of rain tapping on the window filled Calyx’ ears, and disappointment washed over his eyes. Today marked the seventh day since he had arrived at the orphanage. Rayna, who promised to be back soon, had yet to reappear.

‘I thought she might come today, but…’ If she hadn’t visited even on sunny days, Rayna wouldn’t have any reason to visit him on a day with such bad weather.

Calyx absentmindedly reached to pinch the back of his hand, but instead he put his hand into his pocket. Inside was the candy Rayna had given him. New candies came with his snacks every day, but he couldn’t bring himself to eat the candy Rayna had given him.

Calyx fiddled with the round candy in his pocket.

‘I guess this works as well.’

His health wasn’t great today. He had felt an unusual chill in his body since morning. On a day like this, even if Rayna had come to see him, he would have had to stay in his room.

‘Although I’m supposed to stay in my room either way.’

Olivia had introduced herself as the orphanage’s director and let Calyx stay alone. Following Rayna’s promise to keep him hidden, Calyx lived separately from the other children. He was used to living like this, so he didn’t have any particular complaints.

While Lucius was famous in the empire, few people knew of his younger brother. Even if someone knew about his existence, very few would also know Calyx’ name. Calyx had been raised in a way that made his disappearance go unnoticed.

Thus, Calyx focused more on fulfilling Rayna’s request than living concealed.

‘I said I would help too.’ He had always wanted to help, but he was shunned every time. When Rayna asked for his help, it made Calyx feel like a valuable person. It was a new feeling for him. Because it was a new experience and a good one at that, he was determined to follow Rayna’s wishes, no matter what.

‘Compared to where I’ve lived, this is quite comfortable.’

As Calix smiled bitterly–

Click– Someone turned the doorknob.

‘Olivia has never come at this time. Could it be–’ Calyx’ eyes were fixed on the slowly opening door, filled with anticipation. However, the person visiting him wasn’t the one he had been waiting for, but a boy about his age, with freckles on his cheeks and nose. The child spotted Calyx, and his face brightened.

“I knew it!” The boy briskly approached Calyx.

Calyx stood up in surprise.

“I wondered why the director would come to a room no one was using, but there was someone!”

The boy seemed excited, as if his hunch were right.

“I’m Bill. You?”

Calyx’ heart raced.

He got caught.

Rayna had hidden him, and he had promised to help her by staying hidden. It was a very simple and easy request from her, but Calyx couldn’t keep it.

‘Rayna will be disappointed.’ He was certain that Rayna would not come to see him if he disappointed her.

‘It can’t be.’ He quickly reached out and flipped the blanket over to cover himself.

“What’s that? Do you really think you’re invisible if you do that? Are you a fool?”

The boy, Bill, laughed as if he found it amusing. Although his words weren’t malicious, they didn’t feel that way to Calyx.

Fool, mediocre, useless.

Calyx trembled as he heard the various voices ringing inside his mind. Heat began to spread from the base of his neck, and cold sweat formed on his forehead. This was a sign that a fever was coming–the same fever that had tormented him each time.

“Hey, say something. Are you angry because I called you a fool?”

As Calyx remained silent, Bill extended his hand toward him, and at that moment, Calyx stormed out.

“Ouch!” Bill fell to the floor as Calyx bumped into him, but Calyx paid no attention.

He quickly dashed from the room. When the fever came, he had to be alone. Calyx ran down the hallway with no specific destination in mind. He found a staircase and descended it. The blanket covering him obstructed his vision, letting him see small parts of the stairs.

As Calyx descended the stairs, he eventually stepped on the blanket, causing him to lose his balance and lean forward. Calyx squeezed his eyes shut, expecting to hit the hard floor. However, he found himself enveloped in something soft and warm.


With his face exposed again, he slowly raised his head. The one who had caught him was none other than Rayna, drenched from head to toe after coming through the pouring rain.

‘Why now? Of all people, why Rayna?’


Calyx urgently tried to push Rayna away, but it was too late. His vision darkened, and he slumped into her unconscious.