Home Post 302-chapter-107


Cayetana furrowed her eyebrows slightly after hearing Dimitri call her mother. However, she soon calmly smiled and responded to his words.

“What do you mean, nasty?”

“The employee you brought in confessed that you’ve been giving Rowaine a tea that induces miscarriage.”

Despite the mention of a witness, Cayetana nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Dimitri clicked his tongue in disgust as he watched her denying the accusation before turning to Hyle. Upon seeing this, his aide quickly searched the employee’s quarters and placed the found tea leaves on the table.

Even after seeing that, Cayetana’s face remained clueless.

“This is the tea I enjoy drinking. Whenever my subordinates behaved satisfactorily, I gave them a reward. Oh, I also gave some to the Princess as a gift, and she happily shared it with Rowaine.”

Sitting with crossed legs and leaning against the backrest, she glanced up at Dimitri standing in front of her and rather reproachfully asked.

“So, are you going to hold me responsible just because I received a gift and shared it with those around me? In that case, will the Princess also be held just as guilty as I am?”

Suddenly, her attitude changed, and she slammed the table, glaring menacingly at Dimitri as she continued.

Ha, miscarriage? So, are you saying that drinking this can make one have a miscarriage? If you were concerned about miscarriage from the beginning, shouldn’t you have been careful yourself? Just riding a horse vigorously can lead to miscarriage issues, and Rowaine rides horses every day. Does that mean we should hold horses accountable, too? It’s really not funny. There are various ways to find fault.”

Dimitri looked down at Cayetana in silence without blinking an eye.

Without expressing anger or offering a rebuttal, his gaze remained steady, and only then did the arrogant look in Cayetana’s eyes waver slightly under the unwavering stare.

Then, he muttered something like a sigh as if it wasn’t worth arguing with her.

“Spouting sophistry like running water*, there’s no change in your evasion tactics, whether it’s in the past or now. If you were so confident, why not directly recommend it yourself? Can we really consider your actions innocent when we catch you scheming behind the scenes after being so bold?”
[ T/N: ‘청산유수’ is an expression that can be interpreted as ‘like clear flowing water.’ In this context, Dimitri is trying to say that Cayetana is adept at arguing smoothly and eloquently, similar to the clear flow of water. ]

The reason why Rosanne waited until the circumstances became clear, even after suspecting Cayetana, was to obtain evidence that couldn’t be denied.

She doubted Cayetana but waited for her to dig the grave with her own hands.

That was possible because Rowaine’s pregnancy was a fabrication.

If the pregnancy had been real, Rosanne wouldn’t have been able to quietly observe Cayetana, as she would have been compelled to intervene to protect Rowaine and the baby. If that were the case, things would have unfolded in some way before Cayetana could engage in any actions that would lead to her being caught, and she would have smoothly escaped.

Dimitri was appalled by Cayetana’s deceitfulness.

Meanwhile, she deliberately maintained a composed demeanor, provoking his emotions.

“However, before discussing my intentions, shouldn’t you first prove that Rowaine suffered harm because of me? It’s strange. She drank that tea so much, yet it didn’t result in any miscarriage.”

She openly expressed disappointment that it didn’t result in a miscarriage.

“She had never even gotten pregnant in the first place, so you couldn’t make a fuss, right? If that’s the case, you should prove that Rowaine didn’t use the false pregnancy as an excuse to harm me, an innocent woman.”

“Innocent? Proof?”

Dimitri twisted his lips and let out a smirk.

“All right. It seems like Grandmother has already gathered all the people who might want Rowaine to prove things, so let’s go together. Drag her along.”

As the order was given, the knights apprehended Cayetana. Then, she forcefully pushed them aside and straightened her clothes before leading the way gracefully.

“I’ll go on my own feet.”

“You’re making your final stand.”

When Dimitri made a sarcastic comment behind her back, she snorted and brushed past him.

Hyle shook his head, looking at the back of Cayetana’s head as if he were fed up.



゚・ : * ✧ * :・ ゚



Following Grandmother Rosanne’s sudden words to go somewhere together, I stepped out, and my mouth dropped open in awe at the scenery visible outside the carriage.


The destination was a place known as the Forest of Death, where people didn’t enter.

I once heard a story from Agwen about a place like this in the Blois territory.

Here, occasionally unidentified bodies were found, and it was said that it earned the name Forest of Death. Due to ominous rumors, the forest, naturally, became avoided, and thickly entwined trees grew densely, untouched by human hands.

It was a tranquil forest that was both gloomy and mysterious.

One thing that was surprising was that, despite appearing to be a long-untraveled forest without any visible paths, the coachman skillfully found a route for the carriage to pass through.

‘Why is there a carriage path?’

The carriage continued unabated along the uninterrupted road.

After winding through the forest for a while, they suddenly passed through a cluster of unbelievably massive sequoia trees. The trees grew to an immense height that no matter how hard you stick your head out the window and bend your neck, you couldn’t see the end.

While marveling at the giant trees that seemed to require ten soldiers holding hands to encircle their trunks, I spotted a hidden building in between.

“Is there a castle in a place like this?”

In response to my question, Grandmother Rosanne calmly explained.

“It’s a fortress that was abandoned in the distant past. They say it was here long before the Blues ruled territory. Although the stone castles are uncomfortable for people to live in, they have the advantage of not easily crumbling and lasting for a long time.”

Then, she smiled strangely.

“A useful place known only to those who know.”

“A useful place?”

“It’s said to be useful when you want to bury a secret. Today, you might find out its true use.”

The smile on grandmother’s face as she said that somehow sent shivers down my spine.

‘It seems like a place someone occasionally frequented.’

So, it seemed like the carriage path hadn’t disappeared and remained intact.

As we reached the castle, I could see the carriages that had arrived before us were scattered throughout. I stepped out of the carriage with Grandmother Rosanne and entered the entrance of the castle.

At the entrance, where there should have been a wooden door, only a rusted door knob lay haphazardly on the ground. Grandmother, as if familiar with the surroundings, navigated through intricate corridors and stairs with her cane, entering a large room whose current purpose was unclear.

The people who came first were standing there waiting for her.

“Everyone’s here.”

As Grandma entered, the people greeted her politely.

Judging by the atmosphere, it seemed like they weren’t the ones she had commanded to be brought.

At first glance, Count Schdental and his entourage were completely out of sight. Among the elders, many faces of neutral figures were seen, as well as several vassals who weren’t elders. While not all as prominent as Count Schdental, they were individuals with considerable influence in Blois, so they were easily recognizable even in the dark.

Grandmother Rosanne looked back at them and opened her mouth.

“I summoned you in haste because I have a favor to ask. It may seem amusing for me to step forward in my aged position, but I dare to rely on our past friendships.”

At that moment, one of the neutral elders stepped forward.

“Currently, there isn’t anyone among the nobles unaware of how precarious Blois’s position is. If that’s the reason for your summons, there’s nothing we can do even if you mention that.”

Saying so, he looked at me. It wasn’t a kind gaze.

“The issue will be resolved when the Duchess concedes. There’s no need to operate the shapeshifter shelter so rigorously, putting Blois at risk.”

Before I could utter a word, Grandmother furrowed her brow and stepped forward.

“Baron Leville, such headache-inducing discussions would be more appropriate in the council of elders. I didn’t summon you here to debate right and wrong.”

Upon hearing this, Baron Leville obediently closed his mouth and stepped back.

Grandmother continued her words.

“I think by now everyone must be aware of what Cayetana is plotting with Count Schdental.”

Even thinking about it again, she let out a small laugh as if it was absurd. The subdued laughter echoed through the room, reverberating against the stone walls.

“Even if Dimitri is a shapeshifter, he seems more capable of holding his position than the foolish second son of the Leon family. Do you truly believe that Dieppe Leon could ascend to the dukedom when all he knows how to do is follow Cayetana’s skirt?”

The neutral elders, who had vaguely guessed the situation, cleared their throats and averted their gaze.

Then, those who had not yet connected the dots from the discussion about the shapeshifter shelter to Dieppe Leon, due to a lack of information, started muttering, asking what we were talking about.

Grandmother Rosanne added an explanation.

“If you turn away from Dimitri now, Cayetana and Count Schdentall are scheming to create an opportunity, drive Dimitri out, and promptly establish Dieppe Leon as the duke.”

Hearing those words, the expressions on the faces of the nobles who had only now realized the truth were colored with astonishment.