Home Post 334-chapter-88


“What’s the name you’ve been thinking of?”

Isilis smiled at Berthas’ words as if giving her a chance. She had thought of many names, just hadn’t chosen one yet. When he asked, she gave the first name that came to mind.


“It’s a rather grand name.”

“It should carry the meaning of a respected king to be worthy of an Empress’ name, don’t you think?”


Understanding her words, he chuckled as he looked at the child calling him. While looking at the child’s soft cheek, Isilis brought her face close and whispered.

“Erica Larchen. That’s your name.”


* * *


Berthas received the final letter from Hector that he had been waiting for. With the letter in hand, he spoke to Dahan.

“Everything has been sorted out.”


Reading his letter slowly, Berthas asked Dahan.

“They caught the Crown Prince’s hidden child?”

“Yes. Sir Hector asked about their disposal.”

“Why ask… Just execute them on the spot.”

Although Dahan’s body seemed to flinch in surprise at his cold words, Berthas paid no attention. They couldn’t leave any loose ends, even if it were a newborn child. Regardless of the blood on his hands and the sins he committed, he wanted to leave a bright future for his daughter.

‘Is this the heart of a parent?’

Did his father feel the same? Was Isilis feeling the same right now?

Berthas thought he needed to discuss the issue of his daughter, who ascended Hillenton’s throne with Isilis.

While he vaguely mentioned handing over HIllenton in words, he had a plan in mind. The citizens of Hillenton were exhausted by the former emperor’s tyranny. Although he had taken on the role of Regent, he didn’t bring about any change, and that was intentional.

The time was not right to give hope to the imperial citizens that things would improve with a change of Emperor. It was after the absorption and unification with Larchen that would be necessary. Despite having eliminated all his enemies hidden within, he waited.

He waited for Hector to make a move.

Hector wasn’t just any subordinate. He was the second of a recognized noble family in Hillenton. With just a word from that family, one could influence the movements of HIllenton.

Nevertheless, after Berthas’ uncle ascended to the throne, the other members of Hector’s family, except Hector, closed their doors to the world. The reason was that they couldn’t accept someone who had illegitimately succeeded to the throne as the emperor.

However, that didn’t mean they supported Berthas.

They simply observed quietly from a distance. The former emperor also didn’t like their attitude, but there was nothing he could do. To become enemies with them would mean discarding too much.

After those days of quietly watching passed, Berthas finally delivered the final warning to them.

[ Whether you become my enemies or follow my will, I hope you will now show the answer to the faithfulness you have ignored. ]

His father turned a blind eye to their sins, and he, too, closed his eyes to those who were ignoring him. So, now he thought it was justified to demand this much from them.

‘Of course, if they don’t follow my words, it will be annihilation, but…’

In fact, that might have been for the better.

If a family in Hillenton received that level of support, it could cause problems when the absorption and unification with Larchen occurred.

Perhaps not now, but someday. If problems arose when his daughter ascended to the throne, he wanted to cut off that problem from the very beginning. However, they had bowed their heads on their own, and the result was a letter that fell into his hands.

“It’s a shame.”

“Your Excellency, Hector says he awaits your next command.”


Dahan continued to wait as Berthas fell into thought. When Berthas finally spoke, lost in his thoughts, he was still waiting.

“Sir Dahan.”

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

“What do you think should be done?”

“What do you mean?”

It seemed like he knew but was pretending not to. Berthas lightly smiled as he looked at Dahan.

“I mean HIllenton.”

“Everything as Your Excellency wishes.”

“Would it matter if the empire disappeared?”

“Well, I… I haven’t particularly pledged loyalty to HIllenton.”

Berthas laughed at Dahan’s nonchalant words.

Unlike what he had feared, he became curious about what Dahan meant by his words. He wondered what intention Dahan revealed through his seemingly nonchalant remarks.

“Not particularly?”

“I haven’t pledged loyalty to HIllenton; I’ve done it for Your Excellency.”


“It’s not like HIllenton has done anything for us.”

He became intrigued by his more serious tone. Berthas sensed a slight anger in Dahan’s face and attitude as he spoke.

“Does Your Excellency know what I did before I met you?”

“I do.”

Dahan was a wandering knight lost in the mountains before meeting Berthas.

Like any wandering knight, he had no family name and roamed aimlessly. His family was a small Viscount family, and due to the advances of a marquis who coveted his sister, the family disappeared.

Unable to overcome the shame, his sister chose to end her life.

Seeking revenge for his sister, Dahan tried to kill the Marquis but ended up becoming a fugitive. He received a new name after meeting Berthas, and during this rebellion, he was the one who slaughtered everyone in the Marquis’s household when it collapsed.

“If that’s the case, why hesitate? Just do as you wish.”

Berthas laughed coolly at Dahan’s words as he straightened his back. Dahan smiled along with him. There was no one mourning the downfall of HIllenton. Well, at least no one would mourn the fall of the Imperial Family. Strictly speaking, HIllenton had not fallen.

“I can do whatever I want.”

“Of course. Now, there’s no one left but Your Excellency in the Imperial Family, right?”

“No, the current Empress is still there.”

“Oh, I had a moment of confusion. Rather than feeling like the Empress of HIllenton, it feels more like the Empress of Larchen.”

“Considering that, you’re treating her too casually.”

Berthas harbored resentment towards Dahan, who casually picked up his daughter.

“Well, I didn’t know she was a special person at that time.”

“If you had known?”

“Well, I still would have held her. I’m weak against cute people.”

“Oh, so that woman too?”

“Your Excellency!”

When Meryl was mentioned, Dahan got annoyed, and Berthas playfully laughed. It was fun to see Dahan hesitating in front of Meryl, a big man being flustered because of a woman.

‘Well, I think I do it too.’

Thinking about himself, unable to move in front of Isillis, Berthas cleared his throat. He spoke to Dahan, who was looking at him with a strange face.

“Convey to Sir Hector that I want the seal of HIllenton brought.”

“Have you made up your mind?”


‘I made this decision a long time ago.’

Perhaps others might not understand, but he thought Dahan might understand Berthas’s actions. He, too, carried pain.

“After discussing with the Empress of Larchen, I’ll let you know.”

“I’ll be waiting then.”

He needed to talk with Isilis.

HIllenton was not such a small country, and there had to be a process for absorption and unification. If necessary, he could kneel before her. A staged performance for the citizens of HIllenton was necessary. He had chosen Larchen for this.

Having concluded his thoughts, Berthas stood up.

“Go and rest. I’ll call you separately.”


Watching Dahan step forward, he also moved. Isilis was probably in the midst of a meeting with her subordinates by now.

