Home Post 375-chapter-5


The moment Riersha saw the cup, she realized how thirsty she was.

Taking the cup with both hands, she drank as Sona gazed at her with a pleased smile. The sound of slurping echoed in the quiet room.

“You must be very hungry. I’ll prepare a meal. You’ve been unconscious for two days, Miss.”

“…Thwo days?!”

No wonder she felt completely drained.

‘Is this how the aftereffects of awakening are?’

No one had informed her, and there was no one to ask.

Sona began to explain briefly.

“Miss Riersha was brought to the castle by Rocinante.”


Riersha’s eyes rolled in confusion at the unfamiliar name, but she felt like she knew who it was. The man she encountered in the forest came to mind.

His name seemed to be Rocinante.

‘I had no idea that such a person was living in the estate.’

If she had lived in the estate, she would have likely crossed paths with him at least once, yet she had never seen his face until she turned ten. Given his distinctive features, he surely would have left a lasting impression.

“I didn’t expect you to know, Miss.”


“That… Rocinante was reinstated just yesterday.”


As Riersha’s brows furrowed at the unfamiliar word, Sona smiled and explained the meaning.

“He got his place back.”

“…Thhen, where wash he?”

“He served as the eyes and ears of the Arachrene family.”

As Sona explained, Riersha couldn’t quite understand. Why would someone with such impressive abilities lose their position?

‘…Did he commit a grave sin, perhaps?’

As she pondered deeply, Sona added.

“Rocinante was the Young Duke’s aide.”


She raised her head in surprise. It was because the news about a father she had never heard of, suddenly came from Sona’s mouth.

“Yes. Now that Miss Riersha has awakened, you don’t need to worry about anything. Everything will be fine.”

Sona replied with a joyful face.

Despite the fact that she still didn’t quite grasp the meaning of her words, Riersha vaguely sensed that they held significant implications.

“Not just Rocinante, but I also belong to the Young Duke. In fact, there are many people in this Duke’s castle who belong to the Young Duke.”

Sona pointed to herself as she spoke.

“Soon, the Young Duke’s people will also return to the estate.”

Riersha’s eyes widened as she listened to Sona’s words. Did that mean that everyone following the Young Duke, including Rocinante, had lost their positions?

‘Sona had just said that everything would be fine because I had awakened.’

Could it be that the reason the family had fallen…

‘Is this what he meant by the family was ruined because of me?’

Riersha, who couldn’t awaken, and for some reason, her father and those around him lost their authority.

Perhaps the reason for that was…

“Of course, the Young Duke will return. All of this is thanks to you, Miss Riersha.”

Finishing her words, Sona bowed politely.

Riersha realized.

…The reason she had never met her father even after turning ten. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to meet her. Though rather, it was likely the opposite. He had given up everything to protect her from those who questioned her awakening and left.

She recalled Oberon’s words, pointing his sword at her before time regressed.

“Do you know what sacrifices the Young Duke made just to protect you? Do you know how the family has fallen into ruin?”

…The absence of Young Duke Arachrene.

The Young Duke’s absence must have caused many problems. Moreover, excluding all of his people from family affairs meant…

‘Someone weakened the family’s power by exploiting my weakness.’

And when she turned ten, the family lost in that fight. The reason they inevitably lost in the power struggle was—

“Because of you.”

—It was because of her.


* * *


Riersha poured all her time into recovering for several days. Yet, her mind never stopped thinking.

‘Oberon, during that time, was more loyal to the family than anyone else.’

The current Oberon was a figure trusted by Duke Arachrene, so what could have been the decisive reason for him to turn his back? She wondered why Oberon, who had been patient until she was over ten, suddenly turned his blade against the family… or was he a traitor from the beginning, and no one knew?

Her mind was in turmoil.

“Miss Riersha, you must be eager to meet the Young Duke soon, right?”

“Yees, I reawwy wanth tho shee him.”

It wasn’t because he hated her that he didn’t come to meet her.

..She wasn’t abandoned by her father.

Learning this fact, Riersha spent each day eagerly awaiting news of the Young Duke.

“When wiww Daddi come?”

She asked with a hopeful face.

“After a few more nights of sleep, the Young Duke will surely come to meet you!”


“Until then, make sure to chew your food thoroughly and stay strong!”


As she flinched and discreetly covered the carrots she had hidden in a corner, Sona, who had been watching this, adopted a stern face. However, when Riersha pretended to pick up the carrot with her fork and displayed a disgusted face, Sona couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Though why don’t you eat the bread? It’s even tastier than the carrot, you know?”

“Ung, bread hate.”

“…The bread?”

Although Sona had noticed Riersha’s aversion to it, she had never openly said that she disliked it, so she looked puzzled. The bread was filled with nuts for the child’s health, but the child shook her head with a gloomy face.

“May I ask why?”

“Nuthsh mawe me sic.”

Riersha grimaced as unpleasant memories came flooding back. In the meanwhile, understanding the implications of her words, Sona’s expression grew solemn.

“You must be allergic.”

Having received all the personal information about her, Sona narrowed her eyes. No one had ever reported this, so it must have been something they didn’t know. This meant that Riersha had suffered alone and had learned about it herself.

Sona bit her lip upon realizing how neglected the little child had been all this time, despite hearing that Rocinante had cleaned her castle once. They had not taken care of Riersha properly.

How dare they.

She bowed her head upon realizing that Riersha had been taking care of herself and her problems all this time.

Her eyes were cold and distant.

“I will make sure never to make such mistakes again in the future, Miss Riersha.”


* * *


Rumors of Riersha awakening her abilities spread through the Duke’s castle in no time.

The treatment she received from the household, which had been meager until now, underwent a dramatic change.

Lavish meals were served every day, and the maids behaved with utmost manners. Furthermore, the items that had been provided previously were already quite expensive, but now the room was filled with luxurious items that would make the previous ones seem modest in comparison.

“…Are thheshe mine?”

“Yes, they are. These were supposed to be given to you from the beginning. You’ve just got your rights back.”

Riersha couldn’t close her gaping mouth.

The room was filled with furniture so luxurious that it made her doubt whether she was allowed to touch it. It resembled those she had only seen in fairy tales, including a princess’s be

