Home Post 454-chapter-121



As the cats meowed loudly, Rere suddenly jumped to her feet.

“Absolutely no!”

“I-Is that so? Then let’s choose another name…”

“Boksun and Bokshim are difficult, so let’s call them Sun and Shim. Put them together we have Sun-shim!”

Rere nodded eagerly while flashing a smile that showed all of her teeth.

“You’re Sun and you’re Shim.”



“You like it? I’m glad. Let’s get along well, Sunshim!”

Rere walked over to the cats and scooped them into her arms. The cats were writhing as if to express their dislike, though Rere didn’t appear to be aware of it.

Indeed, Sun and Shim were too much for male cats.

“Hehe. I’m glad you like it! Alright, my sisters! But…I’m getting sleepy because I played a lot today. Hoaaaam.”

Rere yawned loudly and staggered carrying the cats to crawl to the bed.

“Let’s go to bed, too, my sisters.”



The cats curled up next to Rere. I began to wonder if they were able to understand human’s words.

Rere was in a good mood watching them and flopped onto the bed.

“Well then…Rere will sleep now. Good night.”

Then she closed her eyes. I thought she was joking, but she fell asleep quickly, perhaps because she was really tired.

“Re-rere? You have to wash up first before going to bed!”

Her body was smeared in dirt from when she had pulled out the rainbow flowers earlier, but the child was already in a deep sleep.


I held Rere in my arms, but there was no sign of her waking up.

She snored softly as though to show that she had indeed fallen asleep in that short time.

“You must be really tired. Listen to you snoring.”

Of course, she’d be tired.

Because a young child who remained home all day was now going outside and picking all those flowers.

She plucked enough flowers to fill up the whole garden. And then she ran around with the cats.

“You’re seriously driving me crazy, Rere. How do you always manage to surprise me every time? But then again…it’s such a relief.”

My Rere, who is always trying to be an adult.

‘It’s okay to act like a child. It’s a precious childhood that will never come again.’

Running around and playing like that was rare for a child whose life was filled with ceremonial things like etiquette and aristocracy.

It was still such a shame regardless of how much time we spent to make up for those bygone years.

So I looked at Rere affectionately before turning my head.

“Nanny, please help me change Rere’s clothes. And the others can go bring some warm water and a towel to wipe Rere’s body.”

“Yes, madam.”

Thanks to all of our coordinated efforts, putting on Rere’s dress and placing her back on the bed were done swiftly.

“I’m glad that we didn’t wake her up.”

“Because Rere doesn’t wake up easily after falling asleep.”

Listening to the nanny, I sat on the chair next to the bed and smiled sweetly.

“Then you may leave. I’ll stay with Rere.”

“But shouldn’t you also rest? We’ll stay here instead.”

“I’m alright. I can just sleep next to Rere when I’m tired.”

Only with that assurance would the nanny and the maids leave.

They slowly closed the curtains and stocked the fireplace with wood before leaving even though the sun hadn’t set yet.

It made the room warmer than usual, so my eyes felt heavy even though I was just sitting still.

The door then opened, allowing dazzling light to enter the room.

“Is Rere sleeping?”

Ian, first walked in with confidence then smiled disappointedly before walking as quietly as possible.

“She must have been tired.”

“I think so. It’s been a long time since she went out and played like that.”

“I think she enjoyed herself today a lot more than she did the last time at the Imperial Palace. What about the old butler?”

We were spending our time telling each other ordinary stories, just like ordinary couples do.

“He also looked tired, so I told him to rest today.”

I smiled because I could hear in his voice how relieved he was.

Ian quickly approached us and sat on the bed where Rere was sleeping.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this moment.”


“Come here, Leona.”

Before I knew it, he opened his arms wide toward me and hugged me.

And the corner of my heart felt warm for some reason.

Only the sound of crackling firewood hung in the air.

“I didn’t think that this time would ever come.”

“It’s the happiness you deserve after all of your efforts.”

I looked at him with a bright smile.

Unlike the Duke’s empty eyes that resembled an expensive ruby, Ian’s red eyes blazed like the fireplace.

“Thank you for saying so. By the way, the construction will start again tomorrow. I need to renovate our room.”

“Our room?”

“Aren’t we a married couple? Don’t you think we should share a room?”

His questions made my cheeks flush instantly.

‘A married couple? Aren’t we just lovers? We’re in love with each other but saying we’re a married couple is a bit…uh, it makes my heart race.’

My heart was pounding like the first time I felt that I loved him.

“Leona? Are you sick?”

He pressed his forehead against mine.

Suddenly, a cool and refreshing energy spread through my body.

The heat should have cooled down because of it, but instead, it got even worse.

‘Get a hold of yourself. Please….’

“Isn’t your temperature rising?”

“…How unfair.”

“What did you say?”

“I’m the only one who gets a fever like this. You know what, Ian? Whenever your breath touches me, whenever I hear your soft voice, whenever I see you…I’m always feverish. No, I’m not even ill. I’m completely healthy, yet I’m fevered.”

My lament made Ian’s face stiffen.

“Ah…I-Is it because of me?”

“…It’s because I love you so much.”


“That’s why it’s a little unfair.”

While I was complaining like a child, Ian briefly placed his lips on mine.

“You know. I’m a little bit anxious every time I face you like this. I’m afraid that you’ll hear the sound of my heart. I don’t want you to notice, Leona.”

Ian made a little smile and put my hand on his chest.

I felt his heart thumping so hard through his thin garments.

“Every time I see you, my heart moves like it’s broken.”


“To be honest, I thought I was the only one feeling that.”


“I love you, Leona.”

“I feel the same way…but I’m still shy of calling us a married couple.”

“I feel good every time I hear that, you know? Duke Ian Petri, Duchess Leona Petri and Rebecca Petri. It feels like we’re family.”

His rough hand gently stroked my cheek.

“That’s right. I’m a little bit shy to say we’re a married couple, but a family is good.”

“So I’m telling you, Leona. Don’t keep everything to yourself and tell me.”

“Oh…Ian. Have you heard anything about the oracle?”

“I heard it from behind and found it a little weird.”


He nodded gently and smoothed my long hair with his hand.

“I didn’t even know an oracle had appeared. Even if the oracle is only known to the Emperor, it is usually made public within a few years after its arrival.”

“Then it hasn’t been long since it came down?”

“That may be the case, but he’s never hidden it this much.”

I was even more puzzled when I saw him so confused.

“Then what do you think it is about?”

“I don’t know either. But Leona is not the hero of that oracle…right?”

Ian’s eyes shook anxiously.

“I wasn’t going to bring it up, but I’m going to tell you because we’re family. Can I do that?”

“Of course. So Leona is really the hero of that oracle?”

[A red-blooded child born with a scar of blood. A genie who will revive the empire. Those who betray the truth will suffer in the end. Those who believe in the truth will triumph in the end. The one who has it is the one who conveys God’s will.]


“There is actually a red mark on the back of my right shoulder. So I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not.”

Ian listened to me and looked uneasy for a long time before nodding.

“I’m sure it’s not a bad thing. After all, the person in that oracle is supposed to revive the empire.”

“Do you think so? But what I hate more than my own oracle is the hero of other oracles. What should I do, Ian? Should I ask the High Priest about another oracle?”

But Ian only shook his head.

“Let’s just wait and see. There will be a way to discover other oracles. I’ll try to dig into it since Leona is curious. So don’t worry too much.”

“Thank you.”


The cats that had been dozing next to Rere suddenly opened their eyes and came running toward me.

They meowed at me in unison.

“Huh..? Are you up, Sunshim?”



The cat brushed their bodies on me as if they had business with me, albeit they seemed a little put off by the phrase “Sunshim.”

“What’s wrong with you guys?”

The cats strangely acted like they had something to say to me.