Home Post 582-chapter-11


“….. I failed to clarify the misunderstanding that I had damaged the hat. Because of that, I was summoned by His Grace and had to return with bruised wrists.”

Certainly, there were other matters at hand, but Evelyn had managed to divert attention away from Ulysses’ anger. She momentarily set aside such stories and focused on pressuring Dahlia.

“Even if His Grace is known for having a quick temper, there was surely enough time to clear up the misunderstanding, wasn’t there?”

“W-well… it’s just that things were busy, and I couldn’t…”

Dahlia had never expected to face a calm counterattack from Evelyn and stumbled in her response. Of course, she hadn’t been idle. No one dared to defy Dahlia, the lover of the Crown Prince, even after Evelyn was expelled. It only intensified after Evelyn was expelled.

Knowing him well, Evelyn couldn’t help but laugh sarcastically.

“Hebe, my dear. You’re quite the liar. This time, tell a believable lie.”

“When have I ever lied…!”

“That’s your specialty. Using your pitiful face to manipulate people.”

Dahlia’s eyes widened.

Dahlia’s acting skills were top-notch. Initially, everyone thought she was pretending to be good, but later, they realized that Dahlia was genuinely kind.

But how did Evelyn suddenly know this fact?

“Why? Well, because Raphael told me.”

The thought was too delightful for Evelyn, and she suppressed a laugh inwardly. Then she recalled her conversation with Raphael earlier.

“What do you think, Hebe, my dear? If you were to judge my personality?”

“If you’re asking about your personality, we’re in the same category.”

“If we’re in the same category?”

“It means we’re always acting.”

Raphael had shared the story of encountering Dahlia on the street before meeting Evelyn at the boutique.

In other words, Raphael had recognized that everything about Dahlia was an act, just from a single encounter.

With this knowledge, Evelyn could question Dahlia without guilt.

“Well, Hebe, my dear. Even if it’s a lie, just give me a plausible answer. Why did I let His Grace believe that I had damaged the hat?”


Dahlia couldn’t answer and nervously fidgeted with her hands.

‘Well, that’s only natural.’

Evelyn’s eyes narrowed. She didn’t expect Dahlia to answer willingly. Frankly, she wasn’t particularly curious about why Dahlia lied about the hat; it was rather obvious.

“Of course, it must be because Evelyn, you dislike me.”

Evelyn could understand why Dahlia would create a misunderstanding with Ulysses just from a brief eye contact. However, she couldn’t comprehend the reason Dahlia was so insistent on staying by Ulysses’ side, even if it meant letting him believe the false accusation.

So, Evelyn posed a genuine question.

“You can’t answer? Then why do I sense dissatisfaction with my engagement? I promised not to bother you now that I have an engagement of my own, didn’t I?”

Being a skilled liar, Dahlia knew well how to deal with people who lied. Evelyn’s sincerity must have been apparent.


Despite this, Dahlia’s expression remained rigid.

As Evelyn felt she might spend the entire night waiting for Dahlia’s response, she couldn’t wait any longer and decided to press Dahlia again.

“My lady, may I dare ask one thing?”

Dahlia finally opened her mouth. However, it wasn’t the answer Evelyn was seeking. Evelyn smirked.

“You won’t answer my questions, but you’re willing to ask your own?”

“If you allow me to ask, I will answer.”

Evelyn raised an eyebrow. But if she played her cards right, she could end this today. Evelyn decided to be generous.

“Fine. Ask away.”

With Evelyn’s consent, Dahlia jumped in as if launching an attack.

“My lady, regarding Lord Raphael—”

“What did you say?”

However, before Dahlia could finish her question, Evelyn interrupted. Dahlia was shocked, raising her head and taking a step back.

“It should be addressed as Marquis Celestian, not Raphael.”

Evelyn furrowed her brow, her gaze turning colder as she warned the frozen Dahlia.

“I am the only one allowed to call Raphael by name as his betrothed. Don’t you dislike it when I address His Grace as Ulysses intimately?”

Dahlia had never seen Evelyn so intimidating. Evelyn had always been a terrifying yet amusing presence. But now, she was just terrifying. At this moment, Dahlia perceived Evelyn as a true member of the infamous Praviche.

Dahlia stammered in panic, attempting to explain.

“Bu-but it’s just a name.”

“Why? There’s no better way to express affection than calling someone by their name frequently. Just like I used to call His Grace Ulysses.”


Come to think of it, Evelyn had indeed changed the way she addressed Ulysses. In the past, she used to address him informally as Ulysses, but now she didn’t even mention Ulysses’ name.

Nervously, Dahlia changed the topic, surreptitiously biting her nails with her free hand.

“I apologize. So, my lady, do you truly love Lord, uh… Marquis Celestian?”

Dahlia was jittery. Evelyn was self-centered. Since she couldn’t love others for a lifetime, she couldn’t receive love from others, except for family…

“I do love him. Otherwise, wouldn’t we have engaged?”

Evelyn chuckled softly, raising her left hand to reveal a large pink diamond ring. It was evident that the engagement ring had been a gift from Raphael.

Dahlia’s heart skipped a beat.

“I have no interest in His Grace anymore. Now that our desires have diverged, it means there’s no need for a fight.”

Evelyn wore a satisfied smile as she brushed back her well-maintained hair. Her expression, something not seen before, looked remarkably relieved. Evelyn approached Dahlia as much as she had stepped back.

Then, leaning over, Evelyn whispered in Dahlia’s ear.

“So, let’s refrain from coveting each other’s men, shall we? Deal?”

“My lady! I never did such a thing!”

Visibly flustered, Dahlia exclaimed. She never initiated such actions. If anything, Evelyn had started it first.

But from Evelyn’s perspective, it was amusing. Raphael’s stories were there, so maybe he didn’t lie.

Well, with only Raphael’s account, there was still some doubt. However, Dahlia’s question just now provided a clue.

Dahlia looked as if she had committed a crime, her face turning pale. She stammered, trying to explain herself.

“Lord, uh… Marquis Celestian helped me before. It was just that! I never had any intentions…”

Dahlia seemed to be speaking without understanding what she was saying. Ultimately, she abruptly stood up and dashed away.

“Dahlia! What’s going on?”

Ulysses’ perplexed voice calling Dahlia from outside went unanswered as she sprinted away. Ulysses forcefully opened the terrace curtains and cast a disapproving look at Evelyn.

“Lady, didn’t you say there was no reason for you to harass Dahlia anymore?”

“Why eavesdrop on private conversations? How uncouth.”

Evelyn unfolded her fan with a menacing flair. Her attitude seemed to provoke Ulysses’ choleric nature. He approached Evelyn with his hand outstretched.

“How dare you interfere with my lover—!”

“Oh my, Your Grace.”

A pale and delicate hand with well-defined bones appeared, gripping Ulysses’ wrist. Evelyn didn’t bat an eye; she knew Raphael had arrived to protect his employer.

Surprisingly, a figure appeared, interrupting Ulysses, and Raphael’s presence failed to improve his mood. Ulysses’ face twisted more than before.

“How dare anyone meddle so recklessly.”

“Who would stand idly by when their precious fiancée is being threatened by a sturdy outsider? Please calm yourself, Your Grace.”

Raphael smiled. Ulysses burst into forced laughter, trying to shake off Raphael’s hand that held his wrist.



He couldn’t shake Raphael off. No matter how hard he tried to shake his arm, it remained steady. Raphael mockingly asked.

“Why is that?”

Ulysses, dumbfounded, spoke slowly.

“Release me first.”

“Oh, excuse me.”

It was only then that Raphael cleanly released Ulysses’ wrist. To his surprise, there were bruises on Ulysses’ hand.

“Did it seem like I held on that tightly?”

Bewildered, Ulysses looked at Raphael. While Raphael had a good physique, Ulysses had never heard that he possessed such strength. There had never been rumors of his proficiency in martial arts.

Observing Ulysses’ confusion, Evelyn contemplated.

‘Wow… Raphael, my boy, your hiring was worth it.’

Just before coming to the party today, Raphael had casually asked her.

“Why did Prince Ulysses suddenly become unpleasant?”

“Do you see me as someone who would like another to publicly humiliate me?”

“Hmm, until then.”

Evelyn fell silent for a moment. Indeed, Evelyn had placed more blame on Dahlia than on Ulysses for the embarrassment that day

And she couldn’t suppress her love for Ulysses, so she ended up dying. But she was different.

“Yeah, I admit it. Honestly, back then, I had a bit of a stalker tendency. But my thoughts changed when my wrist was grabbed.”

“Your wrist?”

“The Crown Prince grabbed my wrist, threatening me, questioning me about things I didn’t do. That’s when all affection faded away.”

Raphael showed a surprised expression upon hearing the story. Evelyn complained as if making a joke, raising her hand to show her wrist.

“See how many bruises there were here. At that time, the Emperor asked me to overlook Ulysses’ nonsense in exchange for sparing my wrist. That’s how I received the invitation to this party.”

As Evelyn casually mentioned it, Raphael’s eyebrows lifted, and his eyes briefly turned cold. It was a momentary reaction.

But returning the favor to the employer who had suffered from Evelyn? How could he not appreciate that!

Evelyn, seemingly praising Raphael, patted his back. However, Ulysses, interpreting it differently, narrowed his eyes.

“How dare—”

“Rather, Your Grace, you should go after Hebe.”

Evelyn interrupted Ulysses. Ulysses questioned her fiercely.

“Lady, you clearly said you gave up on me. Yet just now, you harassed Dahlia again!”

“I didn’t harass her. I just asked her a question, unrelated to Your Grace.”

“Why, then, did Dahlia run out crying?”

Usually, Evelyn refrained from saying anything when Dahlia was having an affair, thinking that she would safely get off the ship. But now, she had a change of heart.

Evelyn opened her fan.

“I didn’t harass Dahlia, I only asked her a question. I’ll let you know that the question has nothing to do with His Grace.”

Find out the rest for yourself.

Saying that, Evelyn tried to pass by Ulysses. However, Ulysses, unable to give up his habit, couldn’t let her go and ended up grabbing Evelyn’s forearm this time.

“Wait! What does it mean it has nothing to do with me!”

“Oh, come on! Where are you touching!”


In an instant, Evelyn, feeling an eerie chill, unconsciously moved her leg.

… She had once again warded off Ulysses’ advances.


With a thud, Ulysses backed away, causing Raphael’s hand, which had attempted to stop him, to lose its direction.


Of course, Evelyn was also in a bewildered state at this moment.
This marked the second time she had nearly turned the Crown Prince into an enemy. At this point, she harbored no complaints, even if she were to be caught and accused of treason.

When Evelyn stiffened in that moment, laughter broke the silence.


Turning around, Raphael, who had been barely suppressing his laughter, finally burst into laughter. He tried to cover his mouth to hide it, but it was already too late.

Raphael and Evelyn’s eyes met. With Raphael withdrawing his hand, a faintly raised corner of his mouth became visible. It was a moment that hinted at his impending question regarding the amusement of the current situation.

“Tsk, Evelyn.”


Before Evelyn could answer, Raphael embraced her, preparing to jump over the terrace railing. Evelyn wriggled in Raphael’s arms.

“You wouldn’t dare—”

“I can bite your tongue, so don’t speak.”

Before Evelyn could say more, Raphael leaped over the terrace railing. In Evelyn’s desperate attempt, she had no choice but to cling to Raphael’s neck for survival.