Home Post 587-chapter-18


In response, Charles sat calmly on the opposite side, then, with a serious expression, he began to speak.

“Are you not satisfied? A life that transforms a playboy into a devoted husband, envied by many women. No one would dare to ignore you anymore.”


“I’ll comply with your every desire. If kneeling is your wish, I shall kneel. If you prefer me to show more humility, even at your feet, I am willing to do so.”

“But, in return, you get the throne?”

“That’s rightfully mine. In exchange, you could ascend to the position of empress. It seems like an offer that doesn’t benefit you at all.”

Eve furrowed her brow. This man seemed oblivious, even if he wasn’t fully aware of everything.

“Stop it. This won’t change anything. What I want is not a changed husband. I don’t need a husband anymore. I want freedom.”

Upon hearing this, Charles, while fixing his gaze on Eve, proposed something new with a raised chin.

“Then, 99,990,000 gold.”


“I’ll give you 99,990,000 gold if you cancel the divorce.”

The requested alimony was ten times the initial 990,000 gold, surpassing the entire fortune of the Duke de Fontaine.

“Are you kidding me right now?”

“I’m serious.”

Poking the edge of his glass with a knife, Charles continued.

“Freedom requires money. So, you’ll demand 99,990,000 gold, too.”


“To live independently without household duties, the more money, the better.”

It wasn’t an incorrect statement. Sensing Eve’s hesitation, Charles presented another proposal.

“I won’t ask you to refrain from divorce. Let’s establish a grace period of two weeks. I’ll provide you with 99,990,000 gold then.”

“The de Fontaine family doesn’t possess that amount of wealth.”

“The emperor’s personal wealth is a hundred times that.”

In response, Eve chuckled in disbelief.

“Are you still claiming to be the emperor, or do you mean that the amount doesn’t matter because you’ll eventually regain the throne?”


Eve sighed in frustration.

“What do you plan to do in just two weeks? Do you think you’ll become emperor suddenly?”

“No, I’ll persuade you.”

“Are you planning some absurd trick again? If you do, I’ll pack my bags and leave right away.”

“That’s just a tactic to buy time.”

Charles casually crossed his legs and spoke.

“You will be persuaded. Negotiation is my forte.”


No matter how you looked at it, it was an unreasonable and forced situation. Yet, why did an uncomfortable feeling persist? Was it because of his baseless confidence? Or was something unexpected really going to happen within two weeks?

Lost in thought, Eve chewed on her lower lip. And then, eventually,

“Fine. Exactly two weeks.”

Considering it was this man, he undoubtedly had some hidden agenda. Regardless, she was determined to proceed with the divorce after two weeks. That fact wouldn’t change no matter who came.

Charles smiled contentedly and even applauded in approval.

“A wise choice, Eve.”


“You won’t regret it.”

Regret? It was already seeping into her thoughts.

Eve controlled her frustration, wondering why she made such a foolish decision. Charles, on the other hand, watched her with a gleeful smile.

* * *

Five days passed without any significant events. During that time, Eve received no news from Charles. With less than ten days left, she sought him out to remind him of the approaching deadline.


“Oh, Eve. It’s perfect timing.”

“What is it?”

“I’m going to ride horses with Noah today. Want to join us?”

“How do you….”

“I’ll come with you.”

Upon hearing this, Eve’s expression twisted in frustration.

“Why are you following me?”

“Because it seems interesting.”

“Noah again…?”

“Are you trying to get beaten up? If he pretends not to know and kicks me from behind, you have to stop him. Imperial regicide can’t be repaid even with death.”

“Oh, what if I can’t even say a word…?”

It was evident he would follow even if she refused. Eve sighed in resignation.

“Go change into riding attire and meet me outside. There’s a nice forest nearby for a ride.”


Charles nodded readily, with a twinkle in his eyes. Eve left his room with a weary face.

“Oh, only ten days left to tell him.”

Why was this man so carefree about everything? Did it have something to do with his claim to be the emperor?

“Ridiculous thoughts.”

Eve quickly brushed off the thoughts from her mind.

* * *

Chuckling, Charles whispered, “I won’t mock you.”

As if sensing her awkwardness, Charles continued, “I have to hold on, or I might fall.”

Even Noah had warned her that Charles couldn’t ride.

In the midst of the ride, Eve noticed a change in Charles’ demeanor. It seemed like he was struggling to maintain balance.

“No, what are you doing?”

Charles desperately tried to stay upright without holding onto anything, resembling an acrobatic act.

“No, you can’t…!”

Realizing the danger, Eve quickly turned around, grabbed Charles’ arm, and wrapped it around her waist.

“Hold on tight, or you’ll fall!”


Charles seemed to gulp audibly. His grip was surprisingly strong, and Eve felt like she was being embraced by a statue.

A snicker escaped Eve, and she couldn’t hold back her laughter.

“Oh, I’m not laughing at you.”

In an attempt to explain, Eve grew flustered as Charles, still behind her, placed his hand over hers on the reins.

“Look ahead, Eve.”


Was it the shift in his tone or the hushed whisper that made it too low? Even his voice seemed different from Arsen’s.

Eve only realized the closeness when she felt his breath against her. Instead of feeling held by someone else, it seemed like she was the one holding him.

Fully conscious of the situation, Eve stiffened slightly.

This man is just that—a man. Eve hadn’t realized the extent of Arsen’s pitiful façade until now.