Home Post 920-chapter-19


The sky was bright and clear, and the summer sun shone brilliantly. A cool, gentle breeze made it a perfect day for leisure and relaxation.

“Sasha! Over here, this way!”

I waved my hands and called out in a hearty voice. Sasha, who had been sighing softly, put down the plate she was holding.

“Madam, how long will you be staying out here? Perhaps it’s time to head back to your room. The knights seem a bit uneasy and also…”

“Our dear knights, are you uncomfortable with my presence?”

I cut off Sasha’s grumbling and asked the members of the knight order. There was a brief stir among the group, but they quickly settled down.

“It’s an honor to spend time with you, Madam. Please, make yourself comfortable.”

Peter, the eldest member of the group, spoke up. The reason was simple: no one dared to express dissatisfaction to someone of such high status, and they had no reason to chase away a hostess who was always kind.

After all, thanks to her, they were enjoying delicious food and sweet drinks they had never had before.

“Is there anything else that makes you uncomfortable? Any difficulties in living here, or suggestions for improvement? Let’s have an open discussion. It’s not every day we have the company of a duchess.”

At this, one of the members hesitantly raised a hand.

“There’s a strange smell in the lodging… Does that count as a difficulty?”

The member, who introduced himself as Yudeli, asked cautiously. Most of the members were covered in dust from rigorous training, but not Yudeli.

‘He seems to be particularly neat, judging by his appearance.’

A smell… I thought for a moment and then asked, narrowing my eyes.

“Can you describe it?”

“It’s a musty smell. It doesn’t go away easily, maybe because the building is old.”

I understood. It was the heavy smell that wafted around in the summer, like that of the second line.

The strong hormonal scent was palpable in the crowded quarters, even without having to go there.

“Oh, I wish I could go without a nose at times like these. I understand how you feel.”

I smiled gently and soothed Yudeli, then quickly stood up and straightened my attire.

I couldn’t just demolish the building, so I planned to come up with a solution.

“Are you leaving now?”

Sasha asked, and I shrugged my shoulders with a pout.

“No? I’m just going to the kitchen.”

“Why the kitchen all of a sudden? You should be heading back. I have a lot to do. There’s laundry for the knights and I have to help prepare dinner for the two of you…”

Sasha grumbled just as a deep voice cut in.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll come with you.”

Tibero stood there hesitantly beyond my line of sight.

‘Everywhere you go, money talks.’

As I smirked, Tibero’s face flushed red.

* * *

I safely made my way to the kitchen, following the guide. Smoke rose from the chimney, following the setting sun.

“How did the duchess end up here… And Tibero is here, too. Did you need more food? Shall I bring out more?”

Hearing our arrival, the chef, Letin, hurried over the threshold. I immediately shook my head and got to the point.

“No, the food is fine. I just wanted to see the fireplace, if that’s not too much trouble?”

“Of course not, Madam! You’re welcome to look as much as you want.”

Letin touched his mustache, maintaining a worried look, perhaps fearing a sudden health inspection.

“Madam, please follow me.”

I followed Letin into the kitchen. Under the large fireplace, black coals were piled high.

“Ah… it’s a bit messy. I was going to clean it up right away… I’ll get to it immediately.”

At Letin’s protests, I shook my head and approached the fireplace.

‘This should be enough to get rid of that musty smell from the second line.’

A smile formed on my lips as I observed the charcoal. It was of the highest quality. It would be unlikely to find deodorizers here, unlike in Korea.

So, I thought of using charcoal, a natural deodorizer. While it might not eliminate the root cause, it could alleviate the immediate discomfort.

‘If only there was cinnamon. But this is better than nothing. A case of settling for the next best thing.’

I picked up a pile of charcoal, beaming. The servants around me turned pale.


Sasha’s piercing scream echoed through the place. Letin, standing nearby, knelt down in dismay.

“I’m to blame.”

Letin bowed his head, acknowledging his fault. Cleaning charcoal was a chore even the servants disliked. There must be a reason the lady took the initiative.

Instead of reprimanding us for our laziness, she was setting things right in her own peaceful way. Letin felt ashamed in the face of her fairness.

‘What’s going on? Why is everyone kneeling?’

Confused by the change in atmosphere, I glanced around. Sasha, sensing the mood, picked up another piece of charcoal, then tightly shut her eyes as if surrendering her vision.

“It’s all my fault. I should have been more attentive so you wouldn’t have to do this…”

Letin trembled, on the verge of tears. I was puzzled by the unexpected situation.

“I just needed a bit of this. Is it a problem for me to take some charcoal?”

“You’re taking it? Charred wood remains, Madam?”

Letin, tears welling in his eyes, met my gaze.

“I heard there’s an odor in the knights’ lodging… Placing this there should help.”

Although I hadn’t done anything wrong, I felt guilty. I awkwardly smiled, explaining my intention.

“Oh! So that’s why. I’ll bring it for you. Please, put down that dirty thing.”

“No, I can handle this…”

“That’s not suitable. Charcoal doesn’t befit a beautiful lady like you. Chef Letin is touched by your consideration for the members.”

Tears streaked down Letin’s face as he spoke. He then brought a large cart and carefully loaded the charcoal.

“I’ll take this.”

I quickly claimed the charcoal, fearing it might be taken from me. Meanwhile, Sasha hurriedly brushed the ashes from my clothes.

“Let me carry that for you.”

Instead of responding, I shook my head. This was a good opportunity to gain favor with the knights, and I wasn’t about to give it up.

After all, the idea and effort to get the charcoal were mine. I couldn’t share that with anyone else!

“No. I’ll carry it. Absolutely. Not giving it up.”

Holding the charcoal close as if it were precious, my clothes became a mess. Despite Sasha’s increasingly stern expression, I feigned ignorance and led the way.


Sasha’s voice grew fainter as I moved away, then her steps quickened to keep up.

“She’s said to be as pure as the driven snow… Seems it’s not quite the case.”

Tibero followed with a shrug, intrigued by the situation.

* * *

The knights’ faces turned pale upon seeing me. Naturally, as a duchess known for her purity, it was unexpected to see me covered in charcoal dust.

Unperturbed by the stares, I waved my hand casually and continued walking. Yudeli caught my eye.

“Yudeli, right? Placing this charcoal in your lodging will help with the smell. We can’t start construction right away, so bear with it for a bit. I’ll talk to the Duke.”

I handed him the charcoal, speaking kindly and not forgetting to mention a future solution.

“You brought this yourself for us?”

The knights’ gazes softened, touched by my gesture. However, some criticized Yudeli for causing trouble.

“You’ve burdened the lady with unnecessary work! We should solve our own problems.”

“Youngsters these days… In my time, we wore the same armor for days, sweating in it! Making a fuss over a little smell, tsk.”

Ah, the ‘in my days’ stories are universal. I suddenly craved a frothy café latte…

Gathering my thoughts, I smiled awkwardly amidst the ongoing conversations.

“What a disappointing thing to say. These men have been with him for so long. Taking care of the members is also my responsibility. I’ve been too indifferent until now.”

My sincere voice softened the guards who had been on edge.

“Don’t just stand there, come join us. There’s still plenty to eat.”

At Peter’s invitation, I smiled and took my seat. Tibero, who had been accompanying me, sat down beside me.

“Oh, right! I said I would give you something but forgot. Normally, just promising is enough, right? How about five gold coins?”

I fiddled with the jewelry I was wearing. I always carried these valuables, never knowing when they might be needed.

“Since this is all I have right now, I’ll send the rest through Sasha tomorrow.”

I laid down a couple of thick gold rings. Tibero’s eyes slowly lifted. He hesitated, then his lips slowly parted.

“Thank you for the offer, but I can’t accept this.”

“Why not just accept it if you’re thankful?”

Frustrated by his stubbornness, I continued.

“You have more needs than you admit. A few gifts like these won’t make much difference. Just keep them. Pride doesn’t feed you.”

“I’ll handle my own matters.”

“What a rare young man with firm convictions. I heard even their salaries can’t cover such an amount?”


“Frankly, if there had been a dispute among the knights because of the order, it would’ve been a disgrace. If someone insulted our knights, it’s only right to fight back. And of course, the owner should pay the costs. Right?”

Tibero reluctantly accepted the gold, persuaded by my argument.

“Thank you, Duchess.”

“Oh, and keep this a secret from him, okay?”

I wished he wouldn’t keep it secret. Contrary to my dark thoughts, I smiled kindly.

A brief silence followed, and the atmosphere changed. I felt a familiar yet chilly presence behind me.

“Who are you telling to keep a secret?”


At the sound of my husband’s voice, I silently cheered. The old saying that good comes to those who are kind was indeed true.